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Everything posted by FXRich

  1. I have been vaping for over 2 years now and I never had the desire to get a mechanical, Comp is right when he said these B&Ms for the most part do not know what a beginner needs. In my opinion most B&Ms are run by cloud chasers.
  2. I hope you have luck kicking the stinkies habit, vaping did it for me. You would have been better off with a regulated mod rather than a mechanical like you have, but with the savings by quitting cigarettes you should be able to get one before very long.
  3. Hard to say for sure, by the looks of it you have 8mg nic content, and the max VG could be 100% minus the PG used in the flavor, or possibly they used VG based flavor too. Hard to say for sure. If you get a 80VG/ 20PG ratio with 8mg nic it would be close. Looks like mango flavor to me.
  4. I'm still looking for a good PG free flavor source, has anyone here tried the vaping flavors from BestFlavors.com supposedly they use VG as a base instead of PG. Just trying to help someone that wants to vape but can't handle the PG. I did notice that the flavor price is a lot more than other places.
  5. Condensation on the inside of the drip tip is normal. also the airflow greatly affects the vapor production, and the temperature, the more airflow the more the coil is cooled.
  6. About $30 - $35 I have seen them as low as $20 I can't type as fast as Tam
  7. Even without the panzer it is a good deal.
  8. Authentic panzer mods go for $180.00 - $200.00 your buddy must be real generous or its a clone.
  9. http://visionecigarette.com/pdf/How%20to%20identify%20a%20FAKE%20Spinner%20II.pdf This will tell you if it is fake or not
  10. I don't like the subtank drip tips either, I made my own, trouble is I made too many. The pic shows a factory tip my tip and a KPT2 mini tip Sorry about the blurry pic
  11. Any company that sells juice and don't list PG/VG ratios I would not buy from, (I checked their website) That's one reason I started DIY my juices. Most juice sites list PG/VG ratios and some give you a choice what ratio you want. For all you know they might buy bulk from China and put it in bottles. Just my opinion.
  12. Did you let them dry completely before filling them with juice after you cleaned them?
  13. Have you tried putting new coils in them? What kind of tanks are they?
  14. I found a few places that have 317L wire in different gauges, but my thoughts moved to silver wire, more spendy but I found some 28g pure silver wire while searching for Stainless steel wire. Don't know if anyone has tried it before or if it even possible to use for vaping, it might be too conductive.
  15. Try lowering the watts or open the airflow more.
  16. My favorite TC mod is the one that hasn't come out yet, the mod that I can use any coil in.
  17. I guess what I'm using now is my favorite, but that might change later on. Kanger Subox mini with a Efest 3100mah 20A battery Kanger Subtank mini using the RBA with a 1.0 ohm kanthal 28g coil and a 3mm Ekowool hollow core wick (had to try it and surprisingly it wicks very well) 3d printed drip tip (my own design) In a few hours I will probably switch to a KPT2 with a 1.8 coil, but what I'm using now is what I use most often.
  18. I did find this place but not sure of the quality http://vape-atomizer-mesh.com/products/317L-Stainless-Steel.html
  19. I did find some 28g 416L medical grade SS on the net made in USA, but its $46 for a 1 pound spool (about 1500 feet). Don't know if I would want heavier than 28g but that much would last me forever. I'll have to think about it. Hoped I could find a smaller spool.
  20. I do have some 316L welding wire for tig welding, I think its different than for mig welding, I'll have to measure it to see what size it is but I think its too big for a coil. I might experiment with it a little. The aspire website say they use 316 surgical grade in their triton coils.
  21. I was doing some research on using 316L stainless for coils and some people on other forums say you can use it with the DNA200 TC mod in temp control, I don't use TC but found it interesting.
  22. Just a thought but have you tried one of the others on the subox mini, shouldn't make any difference but stranger things have happened. Another thought, the factory .5 coil in the subtank uses 27g wire (I pulled one apart and measured it) the advertised .5 coil in the triton uses 24g wire, 27g will cool faster than 24g, maybe when you chain vape the 24g isn't cooling enough between draws. Another thing the Triton coils with the exception of the 1.8 are made with 316L stainless steel, don't know how well they hold heat.
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