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  1. Hey guys wats this "disc" i dont have one in mine.wat dose it do.? Nd dose it help forreal.?
  2. Ok scratch that i found the output..its 4.2 nd input is 100-240
  3. Well i did get my intellicharger i2 .nd it houses 2 slots nd its pretty hefty ..but it dosent have any switch for voltage so how can i tell how much its puting out..
  4. Well i think its a 1800 or less cause wat happen is i dont have my chager curently nd i went to a vape shop nd the guy charged it for me ..nd it dosent read the battery number its a white charger thats house 2 batterys that r 1800 or lower..cause i had the same charger nd it only has 2 lights one on each side..but it turns red wen its dead or low nd wen i came back after a couple hours he said it waz green but he said it will only last about 30mins or so..nd thats how it lasted...
  5. Well iam having problems withe my maraxus clone/iron man mod.i havent really figured out the problem but so i just baught a new battery for it nd i used it for about 2days nd it waz hitting hard nd smooth but after it died finally with out charge after buying it.icharged it fully nd then put it back in.after that it would hit pretty good nd strong like it should.then it starts to get weaker nd then it fully dies.iam gussing thats wat happen but i took it apart fully nd tinkered with it but now nothing at all..no burn..nothing..."any thoughts"
  6. Sometimes we have problems with different mods or clones.so iam making a topic of this to share ideas nd try to help those that need it..my self included.
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