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elDuderino last won the day on January 28 2011

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About elDuderino

  • Birthday 08/31/1981

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    Under a dead Ohio sky.
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    Brewing, Distilling, Science, too much to add

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  1. I'm gonna jump in here bc nobody has actually answered your question. A CE2, also known as a fluxomizer or clearomizer is essentially a "tank." They typically come in .8ml and 1.8ml sizes, but no one refers to them as "tanks." When ppl refer to tanks, they are talking about MAP tanks or similar. These typically hold 3ml - 5ml in juice. There are tanks designed to use CE2's and tanks designed to use dual-coil cartomizers. The actual tank you get depends on whether or not you prefer ce2's or dual coils, bc the tank itself is seperate from the atomizing unit that is placed inside it. Once the unit burns out or quits working, you can replace the ce2 or dual coil without having to buy a new tank. A simple google search of MAP tank will produce many vendors selling tanks. You just have to decide if you want to use ce2's or dual coils. I personally have a provari and use a 5 ml ce2 MAP tank. I like the ce2's bc you can get a 5 pack for $12 from gotvapes.com I've never tried dual coils because they are typically around 1.5 ohms. With such a low resistance the provari's protection circuit wont allow you to vape them at higher voltages.
  2. Hitting the ecig too hard is usually the first problem ppl have. 2nd is impaired taste/smell from smoking as previously mentioned. I dont really know what an envy ecig is but I'm guessing it's an entry lvl device. Once you get the hang of vaping you'll probably start looking into better devices. These will give you more options typically for atomizers and such - then you'll have more control over your vaping experience, including flavor. BTW, welcome to VT - the best online ecig forum you'll find!
  3. Bumped for Chris bc he forgot.
  4. Suggestions? YES! @#$! the cone. I use 510 lr Cartos and attys and haven't screwed a cone on my ego in months. You dont need the cone, so skip it till the next time you order from somewhere and if they have one get it then. You know there will be a next time; till then you dont need it! dude.
  5. I think you're missing the point. A. Isopropyl Alcohol is a poison. B. You will NOT be able to use that atty until all the alcohol is dried out. The point to this method is that: A. PG is not poisonous; it's the liquid youre most likely using right now, and, B. As soon as youre done cleaning it, you can use it right away without having to wait for a poisonous solvent to dry.
  6. Ive been doing this for awile now. I have a pic to I can upload if OP doesnt have one. Dude.
  7. Fear not. Had your dogs gotten a taste of that tasty pina colada they would've immediately backed away and ran for the toiletn or waterbowl; however you water them. The nicotine burning their tongues wouldve been enough to stop them from consuming more than a lick.
  8. Doctors used to promote cigarette smoking. They made TV and magazine appearances all the time. Hell, you used to be able to smoke in hospitals! Well, I think it's time to get the doctors behind ecigs! I've read countless accounts on the forums of people visiting their primary physician and shocking the doc with improved pulmonary and cardiovascular health, so I know it's possible. It's time for the vaping community and the people with connections to get these and other doctors out there in the public eye and promote the vape - before Big Brother and Big Tobacco get to them! Dude.
  9. And a double thumbs-up to you aimee! I definitely recommend the "Dooder method" for restoring toasted attys. There's a big learning curve with vaping and one you'll probably never fully master. You'll always discover some new nuance with your particular device/atty etc. It can be frustrating at times but consider the alternative... I thank the chinaman who gave me ecigs, now I just wish a japanese american would perfect it and make them more consistent/reliable. Seriously tho, a chinaman could do it also, and I'd be just as happy.
  10. I think you are wrong, and I'm not even going to touch erika's bold comment. We all have opinions but to be so bold on day 4.?... Fact is, vaping is not smoke. Best course of action - inform/get permission from those in charge where you'd like to vape. Why not? It's VAPOR, not some harmful particles. PG IS FDA APPROVED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. Here are your choices : 1. keep hiding and you'll find that the gov will continue to lead the sheep into whatever they say and ultimately making you a criminal, or 2, educate and recruit everywhere you go and you'll build an army that will stand beside you in the fight against tyranny. Dont forget how many people out there smoke. They dont want to smoke but they dont know that they have options. Youre lucky to have found the answer and it's YOUR responsibility to show others the way out. Fact is, the american public is ignorant about vaping. The ****ty scandalous radio commercials trying to trap consumers into contract vaping isn't helping either. So if you want to keep vaping and you want to continue buying ejuice without massive tobacco-like taxes then gtfo of the closet already and inform the world. Dude.
  11. Yes psyco, one of my original ego batteries did this. get a pair of thin tweezers and carefully jimmy the center post up and about and lightly screw your atty on while holding the button till you hear it burn. Here's the problem tho, you'll probably find that the voltage from this battery will blow now. you'll also find that if you overtighten the atty it'll stop working. So, order a new batt and keep this one tucked away as an emergency battery cuz theres really no saving it as an everyday batt. In the future try not to overtighten your attys. Im not 1oo% on this but i think doing so jams the post down and causes connection problems. It may not happen right away but over time, it screws up. the fact that your batt blinks on charge but light stays green, to me, means that either you got a slight connection but not good enough that charger thinks its full or unsrewed, or, youre getting enough connection to signal the chargering signal but it doesnt stay connected to recieve charge. keep jimmying with that center post and you'll see what im talking about. ps. im pretty drunk so im sorry if this post made zero sense. dude.
  12. Anyone tried it yet? How'd it work for you?
  13. Have you ever tried to vape pure water? It doesnt work. And it seems to take a long time to get all the water to dry out, usually overnight. The point here is PG seems to be the better solvent in disolving the bi-products of vaping. And even if there is left over pg after cleaning it still produces vapor. Dude.
  14. VG is known to be a good solvent; better than water for some things. It'd definitely be worth a shot psyco! I have both vg and pg lying around here so I'll give it a go when I get a moment and post my observations. Dude.
  15. Are your atties gummed up? Tasting like crap? Are you looking for a way to clean your atties without chemical cleaners? Cleaning with hot water has drawbacks as well -- it kills vapor production and if you don't use distilled water you'll have scale build up on the coil which cuts vapor production and shortens its life. Finally, no more waiting days and days for the water to dry out of your atomizer; no more chemicals and no more scale. With the Dooder Method you'll be vaping instantly after cleaning, your atty will taste like brand new, and you'll be saving money! Here's how it works: What you'll need: a. Small saucepan b. at least 2 shot glasses c. USP Propylene Glycol d. heat source e. dirty attys f. tweezers g. paper towels 1. Blow as much gunk as you can from the BATTERY end towards the business end. 2. Place your dirty atties in a shot glass and fill with USP PG to cover the atties completely. Fill another shot glass with pg but don't put any attys in it. You'll need this pg later. 3. Fold up a paper towel, or use some cloth and place in pan. Now, place both shot glasses on the towel, in center of saucepan and fill PAN (not glasses) with water about halfway up the shot glasses. 4. Put on stove or heatsource and set to simmer. DISCLAIMER: As with anything you read on the internet, when trying this method, please use common sense! If using a gas stove, ensure NO FLAME is rolling up the sides of the pan! PG is pretty safe but the vapor can ignite if the concentration is high enough in the room. Good ventilation is key. * The boiling point of PG is 370.8F. What does this mean to you? It means that you will never get it to boil on your stove, but if open flame rolls up over your saucepan you could see a flash. Again, this tech is safe as long as you use common sense. 5. Boil for at least 15 mins. CAUTION: watch and make sure the water level doesnt get too low--it may crack the glass! The lid helps increase the amount of heat inside and helps keep the water level from dropping too quickly. 6. After 15 min. boil, take tweezers and grab and atty from the business end, allowing hot pg to run back into glass. 7. Now, repeatedly dip the atties into the CLEAN hot pg and allow to drain from business end down and out battery end into the glass until it comes out clear. 8. Set upside down on paper towel and allow to cool a few mins. 9. Pick atty up and blow out excess pg. 10. Vape away! Comments or suggestions welcome! Dude.
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