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Everything posted by JamesC

  1. Thanks for the replies guys. I'm waiting for mentha to come back in stock. Been wanting to try it for a while now. Will have to check out Geoffs blend when I order some more Atomic cinnacide. I also have been wanting to try the VT Grape Soda, does it have an intense flavor too? I don't think I could enjoy anything that doesn't now after trying the AC.
  2. Its not so much that I love the flavour, but I love the intensity of the flavour. None of the flavors I have tried have had even close to having as much flavor. Could anyone give me some suggestions of flavors from places that can rival atomic cinnacide in intensity? Thanks,
  3. I'm new also but atomic cinnacide is the most flavourful liquid I've tried. I wish all the liquid flavours had as much flavour as it does.
  4. They were just 510 mega cartomizers and had gold threading. Just got them to try. I'll be sticking with the ego cartomizers, I loved everything about them.
  5. I ordered a pack of 5 from a local supplier. And out of all 5 only 1 worked. I watched tons of video's on how to fill them, filled them exactly how it showed in the video, is there some little thing that I am doing to kill them? So damn frustrating. Any way to recover the liquid out of them. Cant believe I kept filling them. Thanks, James C
  6. Why are cartomizers so cheap compared to atomizers? Why would I use an atomizer when I could use the ego cartomizer at a fraction of the price? Side question: Why are most of the VT store liquids only available at low nic levels? Thanks, James C
  7. As a new member and also as a new person to vaping I suggest trying the ego cartomizers. I like them more then dripping and found they have made it all easier for me. I also found that 24 mg nicotine helped for the cravings more then 18 or lower. I'm only just starting myself but that's whats I've found so far.
  8. Thanks, I'm 4 days in without smoking.
  9. I have no idea what I would like, the ones I thought I would really like didn't really do much for me. I now know I won't like anything that has a tobacco flavor in it. Does the vt mentha have a tobacco taste in it?
  10. Well, I found out I dont like menthol. The tabacco flavor in the menthol is not good heh. But I did find out that I like 24mg nicotine much better for handling cravings. So not all was lost. The journey continues What are some absolutely bomb proof flavors?
  11. Thanks, im finding the flavors arnt as bad as i thought. I had some flavors contaminating others in the atomizer. But still none I really like but there not all gross. Im hoping to find something that tastes good n makes this all easier. Ordered a menthol and a blackberry, see how that goes.
  12. Yea, I'm not going to give up. I'm sure I'll find a flavour that I'll like. I'm going to try vaporskitchen, they are close and will be cheap shipping. They have so many flavours its crazy, I don't know what to get. I want to try a menthol but they also have every fruit also in menthol. I think I'll stay away from the fruits for now though although it sounds good. If anyone wants to look at there site and give me any suggestions what to try that would be great, I'm so damn indecisive.
  13. Its not the atomizer, I wasted a couple cartomizers with some bad tasting liquid too. Its just too sweet tasting. Like a bad fake sweet. Its hard to explain but I dont like it. All the fruit flavors dont taste like fruit, they taste like a candy version of the fruit. Everything besides the fireball are flavours I absolutely love in the real world. My tastebuds are getting tons of flavor, they just arn't liking the flavors. The fireball isn't bad, it tastes like the fireball liqour. I just don't really like that liqour, thought it would be cinnamon flavored. Should I start looking toward tobacco flavors? Or what kind of flavors would you suggest since I'm not really liking the candy/fruity flavors. Thanks for everyones help, who ever suggested the ego cartomizer to me a big thumbs up. Liking it more then dripping.
  14. I got 50/50 vg pg BlueBerry, Dr. Pepper, Rootbeer, Bubble gum, watermelon, fireball, mint, redbull, kiwi, pepsi. They are all gross in my opinion, mint tasted the best. I wanted to stay away from tobacco flavors but maybe I'll try a menthol. The mint would have been great if not for the weird chocolate after taste. All this wasted money on liquids I cant stand to use kind of bums me out.
  15. liquid order came in from wordup today. Got 10 sample flavors and dont like any of them. Little worried vaping might not be for me.
  16. Thanks, I did a whole lot of searching and found a Canadian supplier with tons of choice. Vaporskitchen.com. They have too much to choose from lol, I don't even know where to start.
  17. Thanks to your guys help, I got my ego and everything I need, however I need to find a good place to buy liquid. The shipping cost from my order from wordup just killed me. Won't be ordering from them again. Is there anyone who ships to Canada at a reasonable price that you guys would suggest? Thanks
  18. Thanks, could you suggest somewhere to get the mega drip tip?
  19. Thanks Lily, but will it safely cross the border?
  20. Sorry, not sure how to edit. This looks like a better deal think I will go with this http://www.nicfitnation.com/buy-the-ego-ecig/
  21. Ok I messaged the happervapor people about the happy ego and within a minute they replied to me saying it is manufactured by joye. Crazy customer service lol. So this is what I'm going with http://www.happyvaper.com/Happy_eGo_E_cigarette_Starter_Kit_p/ego-kit.htm I'd like to get everything I need in 1 shot. Should I also get a pack of atomizers? Should I get the xl, regular, or lr ones? Should I get the mega battery? I'm going to take dayvapes suggestion and order those carto's, to bad they are out of stock though. As for the liquids, all of the ones from the happyvaper site contain no nicotine? That seems weird to me. I read about problems from people ordering liquids from the States to Canada. How big of a gamble would it be ordering from the states? And for ordering from the states what mg nicotine is recommended? propylene glycol or vegetable glycerin? Thanks again for all the help
  22. Wow, thanks for the quick replies this place is awesome!
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