Hi Everybody.
Just wanted to ask some general questions about some things I have been doing. Im doing well with kicking the analog habit. But, needing some advice.
First, I purchased some extra carts ( tips, Mouth piece, empty ones, not sure what the lingo is yet) for my Joye ego. And have been filling them with liq. Sometimes I take the polyfill out and go crazy with the juice on it. But most of the time I just drip a couple drops on there and one on the atty and go with it. Ive noticed that sometimes the fill comes out while its on the atty, and burns while vaping. This I hate. Is there any way to prevent this? Ive tried shoving it all the way in. (that dont work) Also, It dont absorb the juice like maybe it should? ( even on the used and new, It just pools at the top of the poly fill) It doesnt soak in like a sponge. Is it supposed to? Get a syringe and inject it?
Shall I just get a drip tip? But then agian, does a drip tip have no poly fill? Does it drip straight into the atomizer? ( this may be to much for starting out)
Im getting used to the harshness. I am going to try some vg/pg mix. Or find my own way of doing things. Sometimes it does make my lungs hurt. If you care about my well being, I have been drinking plenty of fluids, taking my time with it. The wife has noticed im doing this more than smoking. But then agian I enjoy it. It gives me the hand to mouth fix that I need.
Thanks in advance if you reply.