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Everything posted by kingvaperuk

  1. Do not forget to prime your coils with juice for at least 30 seconds before you start to vape, if your wicks are dry when you are firing up your battery you will burn your coils too and you will taste the burn, and give your tank a good clean before you replace the coil.
  2. I honestly believe that one of the biggest problems to the vaping community with regard to battery safety is Ebay itself, I have just seen two 18650 batteries on Ebay for 99p with free delivery from China, If Ebay was to have tighter regulations with regard to dangerous batteries being sold on its site then maybe one less accident would take place, but who is at fault, the manufacturer for producing dangerous batteries on the cheap trying to make a quick buck, or ebay for allowing them to be sold or for the guy buying a product so cheap it has to be fake and potentially dangerous, I personally would like Ebay to stop selling any batteries for e-cigs unless it is from a verified vendor, and even though Ebay here in the UK have a no E-cigarette rule, the site is still awash with authentic and fake products, anybody with an internet connection can purchase and distribute fake products on Ebay. So a noobie just starting out with little or no knowledge of battery safety and no desire to endanger himself or anyone close to him, will ultimately turn to Ebay and buy on the cheap incase vaping is not for them. Just my two cents worth.
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