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Everything posted by stanley
i bought some GLYCERIN USP at wal mart in the beauty section, and some mccormick extracts and the mixture i made is really good with mint and coconut. Does anyone know how to add "TOBACCO" flavor to the mix?? i reall want to make a menthol cig taste. any suggestions? I know vaporgalaxy.com has some stuff called "nu=port" that is phenomenal. I just cant afford the 9.00+5.50 shipping.
well i mixed some mint and coconut together about 25% flavorings, 5% water, and 70% glycerin...vaped it last night and it worked well, i am getting tons of vapor. and i am still alive this morning to post this so i guess the SKIN PROTECTANT GLYCERIN works fine. thanks for all the input folks.
okay, i bout some mcCormick extracts such as Coconut, mint, maple, and french vanilla. And i bought HUMCO Glycerin...is this the right stuff?
thanks for all the input guys...i have decided to go on to bed and pick the stuff up in the morning. so, if i can find loranns i will get them if not i guess other extracts will do. Is there any certain thing i need to look for in the extracts/flavorings? such as USP or any certain type of flavoring? or will all flavorings for baking do?
okay guys, i am about to go to wal mart and get some USP VG, and some different extracts from the food aisle, and going to try to make some non-nicotine juice. Do i need to add water? and... are yall sure my lungs arent going to collapse from the "baking" extracts/ flavorings?
Okay, so i find "Food" grade VG. Can i go to the baking area and buy vanilla or peppermint extract to add to the VG to make non-nicotine juice? Are those type extracts safe? (is that what everyone uses)...????
thanks for all the help guys, i know that i can buy the VG at Wally world.... can i buy any kind of extract such as peppermint, or vanilla and just add it to the VG or is there only certain type of flavor you can use? I dont want to crystalize my lungs by vaporizing the wrong liquid.
oh, i keep reading LorAnn oils...i went to the site and there are all kinds of oils, like "candy oils"..."essential oils"...etc. Which one if any?
okay guys, thanks to vapor talk i have been analog free for two weeks. i first bought the joye 510 and then bought an eGo within the week, so far SO VERY GOOD. i want to start making my own liquid. So far i know that i need to buy USP grade VG. Let me start by saying i bought a few different liquids and after spending 50.00 and didnt like ANY of the ones i bought, i nearly gave it up. Then i read that you can Do it Yourself. SO....that being said. all i want is basic menthol. If i buy the VG, where do i get the menthol flavoring? I might try it with no nicotine at first because i dont want to deal with OVERKILLING the nicotine. So, what do i need to buy along with my VG to make myself some nice menthol juice? and measurements would be nice too. THanks in advance.
i have looked at wordupecig, vaportalkstore, electronic stix. and i am a bit confused, i have read a lot onhere about eGo and decided to go with that. I thought that Joye was the manufacturer of eGo but i see Janty eGo at WUecig.com,,, is Janty eGo a knock off of Joye eGo? or does each site have their own versions of the same cigs? why doesnt Joye have their own website if so?
looked at wordupecig, vaportalkstore, electronic stix. and i am a bit confused, i have read a lot onhere about eGo and decided to go with that. I thought that Joye was the manufacturer of eGo but i see Janty eGo at WUecig.com,,, is Janty eGo a knock off of Joye eGo? or does each site have their own versions of the same cigs? why doesnt Joye have their own website if so?
I visited the store here at vapor talk and they seem to be out of the eGo. do you know of another place to get GENUINE products for reasonable price?
okay guys, yall have talked some sense into me and i have decided on the eGo. however, i am still new at this and ready to QUIT smoking so... What do i need to order to get this started? i.e. juice? carto? atty? What does the starter kit come with and do i need to order anything else? i am going to buy at electronicstix.com thanks in advance.
okay guys, i was looking at vaporsetc.com and i see some kits come with "cartomizers" whats the difference between this and an atty.
Thanks for all the help guys, i added juice and that seemed to do the trick (for now),,,i still want to get another kit...this one just seems too generic. I was thinking of going with the blu cig...any suggestions? i really dont care about the look, i just want a good amount of vapor and the battery to last more than two hours and i also want it to work when i hit it, not when ever it wants to. even with the juice i seem to only get about 3 hits before the vapor starts fading. and the atty gets really hot. so i am going with another kit. this one was cheap and a good tester to make sure i wanted to spend money on a good kit. so,,, how about blu cig? or the best bang for buck, i would rather have better vapor and shorter battery.
by the way, i bout three batteries, three atomizers and 10 cartridges for my wife, her mother, and I. theirs are a little better but still seem like cheap knock offs that would come from hong kong through ebay.
hey guys, i am a noobie here and to e-cigs too. i recently bought a start up kit from e-healthcigarettes.com, spent 60 bucks. Got it yesterday and it worked fine, it is a three part by the way, however, today when i woke up i hit it a couple times and it stoped working, the light still came on but no vapor, if i wait a while and hit it i get a vapor for a puff or two then nothing. It hasnt had enough vapor to satisfy from the beginning but this is just terrible, havent smoked a real cigarette since yesterday when i got these ecigs but i am bout ready to buy a pack of camel crush... Please help, did i get ripped off with a bad brand? should i do something to the atomizer or order a different brand???? Thanks in advance.