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Everything posted by SoupNation

  1. I will try that too when I get new attys. Great tip!! I think too that only using 100% VG might be the problem but who knows.
  2. cool!! I will try that tonight. Thanks for the tip!
  3. Hey guys I got a quick question for you. I'm trying to use my Wet Box without a carto and use an atty instead. I think DD has better taste and vapor than cartos. I want to use a stand alone atty and just pump the juice into it like DD. Has anybody used this method. I tried but the needle is getting stuck or something on the coil I believe? I used an atty without the wick and bridge and still the same thing. Is there certain attys that work or do I need a LR atty? Thanks guys!! PS. I'm not sure if these questions belong in this thread?
  4. I will have to give them a try. I do love the taste of VG. Update: My atty mods went to heck within the night. Dead and nothing more. I did get my 5 new attys in the mail today and I'm back vaping like mad!! YAY!!!
  5. OK I got 2 out of the 4 attys to work with this method. Thank God!!!! I attempted of removing the wick and then the bridge and was successful. YAY!! Well 50%. Anyway the taste is back to awesomeness and I could'nt be happier. I have 5 attys coming in soon and I think I will do the same with those. I feel I'm a pro now. LOL. I do have to give credit to Phee303 who has a youtube video. That helped tremendously. Everyone I want to say thank you for trying to help me out I do appreciate it!! If you guys have more tips just let'em fly!! SoupNation
  6. Do you guys think I should try to take the wick and bridge out of the atty too? I saw some youtube videos of that and I was thinking that could help my problem but I'm not sure. I only direct drip anyway so I figured I will give it a shot. I will try it in a little bit.
  7. OK guys I tried everything I could think of today and the results were a negative. I'm so frustrated!! I know your tips work but I'm wondering that maybe its my batteries? I doubt it though. Could some of the juices flow into the battery at all. I tried cleaning that too. I had to resort back to analogs and let me tell you, IT SUCKS!!!! LOL!! Anyway I ordered new attys and a new battery to see if thats the problem but hey I know it only can get better from now on (well maybe around 4 days from now). I know this was stupid but I also ordered a Wet Box today from cloudsofvapor.com YAY!! I know I'm a noob and should'nt get that until I'm more expereinced but hey I'm in it for the long haul!! Thanks everyone for your suggestions and maybe you'll have more for me. Soupnation
  8. Cool thanks for the advice guys!!
  9. Oh also should I boil? Do I bring a pot to a boil then put it in or just put the attys in a pot and then let it get to a boil?
  10. Great tips guys!! I really do appreciate it!!
  11. They are all regular attys. They all worked properly for 5 straight days until this morning. Do I blow thru the treaded end or the open end? I'm still a noob to all of this. Also I have 2 flavors both VG. Both are bad tasting now. Thanks for the insight!!
  12. Hey guys, I'm really frustrated. I know about the burnt and metal taste because of under-dripping the attys but I can't shake this. I always drip 2-3 drops in my atty but when I drop maybe 1 or 2 more in I still get that taste. I just got my eGo 6 days ago and all 4 of my attys seem to be this way now. I take everything apart and clean them (well wiping them down if over filled) and still that same crap. This all just started today. So I deciced to remove the wicks in 3 of the attys and still the same. I think my taste buds are gone from vaping this and I've been trying all day to fix this problem. My batteries are fully charged and I can't figure this out. Please Help!!!! I hate analogs now but I had to go back with 5 days off of them. Thanks, SoupNation
  13. I feel special now, Thanks Jodie!! Nobody ever followed up on what I ever said in life. LOL!! Minnesoooootans rejoice!!
  14. I'm a noobie also. I just got my eGo on Tuesday and I could'nt be any happier!! It's sexy as hell and the battery last a long time. Listen to your fellow vaportalk comrads. They live and die for this and I'm getting pretty close to becoming one!! I learned a lot from these guys already and very thankful I found them. Its addicting with all the flavors around us and its so much more satifying than ananlogs!! Hang in there!! Also I direct drip, meaning I directly drip my juices in my atty with a drip tip. For me its the only way to go. Get the eGo!!!! My choice for a beginner like me. SoupNation
  15. OK I think I know whats up now. I was never differeciating between carto and cartridges. It's all coming to me now!! LOL!! I thought they were the same. Thanks guys for helping me out!! Soup
  16. OK I thought you DD right into an atty with a drip tip. What is a carto used for if its an empty one with a drip tip? Would'nt that be the same thing just a longer version for DD?
  17. Oh my god!! I did'nt even know vaportalk had any videos on you tube. I really feel like an idiot!! LOL!! I'm sure everything will be second hand within a week. One more question. Do you guys think I should get a LR atty for my eGo? I know more vapor, stronger TH, and shorter battery life is whats in the cards but is it worth it? I believe it shortens the life of the atty too, if that's correct? Thanks for the vid!! SoupNation
  18. Ok guys here is the dumb question of the day. I'm getting my new eGo on Tuesday and I really don't know what to do first? I got some extra cartos (some flavored filled and some empty)and a few extra attys. I'm getting juice also. I was watching videos and I'm super confused on direct dripping thru the atty and also dripping in a carto. Now which is which? DD thru the atty with a non filled carto or DD thru a carto and then it drips thru an atty? Or is it DD thru an atty with a drip tip? Or is it just a carto filled only to the battery. I'm super confused and I know this is the noobiest questions so please help. LOL!! I take jokes well so let'em fly!! Thanks, SoupNation
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