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Everything posted by willy

  1. yeah i think it's time for me to switch to an atomizer
  2. Oh ok I wasn't aware of this, I'm still an fng. Thx Chris Hey I ordered some liquids and someone sent me a free blue foam thing, is that suppose to be used in an atomizer? Are they any good? I see people talking about them on forums every now and then..like how to make them out of stuff from the petstore
  3. I've read that boiling a cartomizer to clean it can damage the atomizer inside of it? Is that true, or is boiling it a safe method to clean it?
  4. Excellent, thx for that explanation eldude
  5. This is concerning for me because I do leave several semi-filled cartos lying around while I'm vaping other flavors in different cartos for a few days. Do yall think storing them in the fridge would help prevent contamination?
  6. Ok I'll give that 510 a try, thx for the info
  7. I have a rev kr808, currently using cartos, but I'd like to see what this direct dripping stuff is all about. How do I configure this kr808 for direct dripping? Can I just screw on a 901 atty directly onto the battery? Thx
  8. willy

    Adding Vg

    Thx for the info yall. Aimee that's a great idea, I'll try the carto method until I find the right balance, then maybe one day I'll figure out how to mix everything myself.
  9. Take the dulcis liquid from the vt store for example, it comes 100% pg, can I just add some flavorless vg to get the balance to like 80/20? Or is that going to screw things up somehow.
  10. Yeah I've only been vaping for a few days so I'll give it some time to get use to it. I still haven't reached for an analog! Thanks for the tips
  11. I'm having the same problem. I have a kr808 rev using a carto with pg juice, I was thinking about switching to a vg juice to see if that made a difference. Any thoughts?
  12. Ok thanks for the help guys, I'm sure I'll get used to the manual just fine
  13. Dang I already ordered the prefilled carts and added some empties today! That's ok though. I greatly appreciate how customizable the ecigs are versus the analogs so I'm sure I'll find the 24s useful. I'm just a light social smoker and I think that I have more an oral fixation when it comes to smoking cigs and less of a nicotine addiction, but the vast amount of negative side affects of the analogs has convinced me to seek an alternative. You guys have a great site, I've learned a great deal about ecigs by just browsing your forum and watching the how to videos. I literally came here with little experience with ecigs and narrowed down my options to one single ecig without having to post practically anything. And these little guys are obviously complicated! At least to a newbie... One last question tho, I know the overwhelming consensus is to use a manual battery, but the convenience of an auto is enticing. Are there any decent autos that are about the size of a standard cig? Maybe just one that ppl complain less about?
  14. On the vt store, what does it mean when it says it comes with 24mg prefilled cartomizers? What is it prefilled with? I thought the strength is controlled depending on what liquid you use. I'm thinking that 24mg is a little on the strong side since I'm an occasional smoker so I just wanted to fill it with something different.
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