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Everything posted by noxleno

  1. Hey guys, this is an editorial I wrote for Suite101 about the recent ban in King County (Seattle). Check it out here! Thanks.
  2. So, although I've only been vaping for a couple of months I'm becoming more of an enthusiast every day. Since I'm also a bit of a freelance writer, I've decided to combine the two! This first article is just a general into to e-cigs for the layperson, focusing on the reasons to switch from analogs. It's old news to most of you, but I'm going to link to it anyways because I could use the traffic. I like the idea of using freelancing to promote the e-cig culture; in future articles I'm going to go more in-depth as to the many different types of PVs, the health debate, comparisons to other b.s. NRT products, analyze the potential impact of tobacco lobbying on e-cig legislation, and things like that. So check it out! Christopher, if you can think of a better way to use this forum in conjunction with my articles, please let me know. Not sure if this is the best place or not. Here's the link: http://www.suite101.com/content/e-cigs---an-introduction-to-personal-vaporizers-a320741 Thanks guys/ gals. Any suggestions for future articles would be appreciated too!
  3. Excellent, thank you all for your input.
  4. Hi guys; I'm interested in experimenting with a drip tip for my 510, as I'm starting to get tired of carts - they seem ineffective at times. My question is this: will a 510 atty with a drip tip fit into my PCC? Also, does anybody have recommendations as to which drip tip to try first? Modern/ Tapered/ Stainless Steel/ Delrin/ What-have-you. Thanks!
  5. Hi Guys; My next question is this: What amounts to more value? A kit which includes 5 loaded carts, or a kit that comes with 5 blanks but includes a 10 ml bottle? As you can see I'm putting a lot of research into this b buying my first kit.
  6. I've heard about people having issues with getting juice across the Canadian border, so I'm looking into purchasing one in Canada. However, I want a Joye510 kit, which is apparently more widely available in the US and China than in Canada, based on the Canadian sites I've looked at. Can anybody suggest some Canadian retailers when I can find the Joye510 model? Also, are there any of you who've experience problems ordering hardware or juice from the US/ Overseas into Canada? Thanks.
  7. Hi; I live in Canada and need to purchase an e-cig starter kit. I've decided to go with the 510 model, based on how I've seen it compared to the eGo, so I'm not looking for responses about which model to purchase. I'm considering ordering from a site based in Quebec called epuff.ca. My question is this: Is there a difference between a "Joye" 510 starter kit and, for example, an "ePuff" 510 starter kit? Or, a "HappyVaper" 510 starter kit? I read somewhere that few e-cig companies, such as Joye, actually concern themselves with Quality Control while some e-cigs are just trash. Are "510" models universally equal, manufactured by the same company and simply labelled differently by the Retailing site, or do I need to actually seek one made by Joye? Any clarification would be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. All good points. I'm convinced.
  9. Ah so Manual means button operated? lame...I def want mine to be "hack activated" heh. Thanks.
  10. I'm looking at the Happy 510 Starter Kit on HappyVaper; it includes 2 "manual batteries" http://www.happyvaper.com/Happy_510_Basic_E_Cig_Starter_Kit_p/510kit-manu.htm; does this simply mean normal batteries that must be replaced? Naturally I'm more interested in rechargeable batteries. Are rechargeable batteries expensive to replace/ short on life/ hard to find? any clarification would be appreciated. Thanks!
  11. Hey guys; I just joined last night, thanks for all the responses to my Intro thread. My question is this: do e-cigs deplete battery life for the entire time they are "assembled", or only when dragging on them? Because I'm more of a casual smoker and won't be hacking on them at every opportunity, moreso on weekends/ poker night/ what have you; so should I be concerned about battery life (eGo?) or would a 510 which apparently has shorter battery life be just fine? If a battery lasts "5 - 6 hours" does this literally mean 5-6 hours connected or 5-6 hours of physically dragging the dart? Some clarification of the nuances of "battery life" would be appreciated. Thanks.
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