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  1. My UGA AR15 Tac Mod showing some red and black pride!
  2. Prius.
  3. Giantvapors.com and vapordna.com have huge selections of top brand juices. Yet to order from Vapor Talk, but I plan to soon when my stash gets low!
  4. I went through about 20 coffee flavors (including some nasty ones) to discover my top 3: 1- Nicoticket Wakonda (coffee, tobacco, vanilla) my ADV 2- Epic Juice Wake n Vape (vanilla latte just like Starbucks) And surprisingly 3- Cappucino from my local B&M, victoriousvapors.com
  5. I found a really awesome iPhone app called Vape Boss that has a huge database of juices, tanks, equipment, etc. Lets you search for flavors and brands, keep track of juice you've tried, lots of other features including reviews. Has anyone else used this? What do you think? Are there other apps you use?
  6. Love Gambit and Grandmaster. Castle Long is a great almond/bourbon juice - not an ADV but relaxing after-dinner vape!
  7. That's the exact first upgrade I made! Then from Spinner to iStick and from Nautilus mini to full.
  8. Oops. Just meant to quote Saboteur and add a comment, not sabotage Saboteur's post. Still learning forum etiquette !
  9. Thanks! Been vaping and off analogs for 4 months now. Happy to discover this forum!
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