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  1. Oh alright thanks!
  2. Okay ill try that, and what do you think ll last me longer. Carts with atty or cartomizers?
  3. I bought some carts( not cartomizers) and was wondering what's the easiest to refill ( if possible)
  4. I bought a pack of cartomizers for my Joye 510 and there really hard to screw on. I have broke 2 of the 5 so far tryin to screw them in or out. There's gotta be something wrong?
  5. alright thanks guys!
  6. Hey everyone I am about to buy a joye 510 starter kit with a bottle of e-juice and some cartomizers. Any thing else ill need or any thoughts?
  7. yeah i know its of course better but still could there be long term effects is what we need to find out
  8. I know analogs are absolutely horrendous for your lungs but was curious of the water vapor and nicitine had any affect on your lungs as well? As in you can still maintain your breath while working out
  9. alright thanks guys i really appreciate it
  10. thanks guys i appreciate it!
  11. Do all e lequids work with all e cigs. Im buyin a joyce 510 but i have no idea on what liquid i should buy. i plan on using attys and carts so let me know. Thanks!
  12. i was going to order the joyce 510 off cignot with 2 extra attys and some e liquid. i just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing anything and that cignot was the real joyce 510 and not a knock off
  13. thanks! and when it comes to cartomizers can i refill them like there atomizers, and how long does an atomizer/cartomizer last?
  14. thanks guys i really appreciate it, after some research ive decided to go with the 510, i love the ego, but i feel i want a more tradition ciggarette feel. i was wondering where you guys would recomend ordering off of and what all i would need to get starter.. aka what e liquid to buy
  15. thanks everyone! and i had one e cig before, a randys e cig i bought a while back that was absolutely worthless. So i have just recently decided to try it again but wanted to buy something thats worth the money. Im goin towards the 510 since it seems to have more power but you guys tell me what you think
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