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Everything posted by Adversarious1

  1. What site was this? Doubtful it was credible.
  2. This is definitely a good place to ask your questions. Just be prepared for a variety of different answers/suggestions. Before I give you my answer/suggestion/recommendation I will give my disclaimer: Sub-ohm vaping and blowing big clouds is an different technique than you might be used to. With your original setup and what you have now you are probably a MTL (Mouth To Lung) vaper, similar to taking a drag from a cigarette. Most sub-ohm vapers and big clouds, for the most part, require DTL (Direct To Lung) inhaling; you actually inhale as you suck in vapor. It takes a bit of getting used to and it is quite possible your gag reflex will kick in, but it is something that you can easily get used to if that is the direction you want to go. You may or may not like it and everybody is different. Now, on to the answer/recommendation. I don't have a SMOK Alien, but a friend does and she loves it. I've played around with it and I am seriously considering getting one for myself (because apparently 8 regulated mods just aren't enough). If you can get the SMOK Alien Kit, all that much better. The tank that comes with that kit is the TFV8 Baby Beast and that is a top notch tank in my opinion. I own two Baby Beasts and have at least one in my rotation every day. If I had a third thumb and could give three thumbs up, I would. Since I don't and I can't, then it gets a hearty two thumbs up. Awesome flavor, awesome cloud production. It comes with two different coils that are as different as night and day even though the ohm rating is similar (might even be the same). I have my preference in the coils, but I recommend trying out both if that is the direction you go. Also, if that is the direction you decide to go, shop around. Online prices range anywhere from about $50 to almost $70 for the kit. Make sure to include shipping and any taxes when you calculate the expenses. I don't think the VT store has that particular kit, but @Christopher might be able to get them in. In any event, it's a good kit and if you shop frugally you will be able to get the kit for well under your $100 price point and still be able to get batteries, a charger and possibly some extra coils. I also encourage you to research as many different mods as you can, wait for other recommendations from other members around here and definitely continue to ask questions on the forums. It's always a good idea to hit up the online community to gain a wider perspective than simply going on the advice of someone working at a vape shop. In your case, yes, the employee made a good recommendation. But there is always the possibility the person behind the counter may be under direction to push a certain item. The online vaping community won't steer you wrong because most of us are just normal people with regular jobs not in the vaping industry. If we like something, we'll tell you. If we don't, we'll tell you.
  3. If it's from the dentist you're probably safe because it's probably 100% cotton. I've heard and read mixed results with it. If it works for you, by all means continue to use it. If you buy it, though, make sure it is 100% cotton gauze. There are some types of gauze out there that contain cotton/polyester blends. That could lead to some very unpleasant results.
  4. This isn't a full review of the Hohm Slice, just some first impressions formatted into a mini-faq of sorts. A full review will be coming along in a couple of weeks. What is it? – In a nutshell the Hohm Slice is a single 26650 101 watt regulated box mod with temp control. What sets it apart from other TC mods? It can be used with nickel, titanium, stainless steel (all types), nichrome, tungsten (used with ceramic wicks) and Kanthal A1. Yes, temp control for Kanthal. It also seems to be a bit more user friendly than other TC mods I own or have used, but again, I have spent most of my time with it in power mode. In power mode it works as just well as any other regulated mod I have. Does the temp control really work with Kanthal? Yep, it sure does. For the most part far I have been using it power mode with a TFV8 Baby Beast using the Baby T8 coil at 90 watts, but I did play around with the same tank and same coil in TC mode so I can verify that temp control does indeed work with Kanthal. I need to play around with it a little bit more when I have time to actually sit, dive in deep and really get it dialed in. I also want to use it with my own Kanthal coils rather than drop in coils. How does it perform with other wire types? So far the only other wire type I've used is 316L Stainless Steel. It performed flawlessly at 40 watts and 480 degrees. Even though I have switched to SS almost exclusively for temp control vaping I do still have some nickel drop-in coils and I still have some titanium wire so I plan on checking it out with those as well. I don't and won't use coils with ceramic wicks and I don't have any nichrome, so I probably won't be checking temp control performance with either of those unless I decide to buy some nichrome wire. How does it look and feel? The actual mod casing is very sturdy feeling, but the buttons rattle. They rattle more than just a little. I have had mods with buttons that rattle a bit in the past, but picking this up and shaking it almost sounds like you're shaking a maraca. Okay, slight exaggeration there, but only slight. The button issue has also been noted by guys who have reviewed this mod on YouTube. The battery cover is held on with four strong magnets. The finish is baked on ceramic rather than being painted or powder coated, so it should hold up well under normal use. Its shape, size and weight with a 26650 in it feel good in my hand. It is roughly the same size as one of my Sigelei 213s or a Reauleaux 2/3 in 2 battery mode. I have another mod I'm getting ready to run through some testing, but I hope to have the full review of this mod done within the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask and I will answer.
  5. I was a 25+ year smoker and I was able to stop with my first kit as well. My first setup was a Kanger EMOW Starter Kit. Came with a 1300 mah VV battery (similar to a Vision Spinner), matching EMOW clearomizer, charger and coils. I actually still use it on occasion because it's the only battery I have that can accept my Kanger Protank 3 minis, as it has both 510 connector and ego threading. Both the EMOW clearomizer and the KPT3 minis are great MTL tanks and that's all I use them for, even though I'm primarily a DTL vaper.
  6. Hmmm... I have huge issues with a "reduced risk" device manufactured and marketed by big tobacco that uses actual tobacco in the product. I wanted to get away from smoking not only because of the carcinogens that are produced naturally when tobacco combusts, but also because of the additives the tobacco companies use. What additives does Phillip Morris put in these iQOS cigarettes? At least with my DIY eliquids I know exactly what is being added. Most of the liquids I purchase have certifications available to show levels of Diacetyl or Acetyl Propionyl (or rather, the lack of those chemicals). If big tobacco wanted to get into the manufacturing of what I consider legitimate ENDS (the types of devices we are used to, not the cigalikes and not these "heat not burn" tobacco devices) then I might consider supporting the idea. Something like this, though...no way. Here's a link to a review of one of these devices. It literally uses miniature cigarettes...filter and all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTP-T6M5T0E
  7. If you are looking at tanks to use on the Pico, then aesthetically the Toptank mini is going to look better. The Pico is 23mm wide. The TFV4 is 24.5mm in diameter, so there will be overhang. The Toptank mini is 22mm in diameter. They are really very different tanks. However, if aesthetics don't really matter to you, then some of the things to consider are: The TFV4 is a larger tank, both in physical dimensions and in capacity. The standard single coil RBA deck that comes with it is larger than the Toptank mini RBA deck. I don't have a Toptank mini, but I do have a couple of Subtank minis and personally I hate building on those RBA decks. I find the TFV4's method for filling to be more convenient. The top simply swings on a hinge. On the Toptank mini the entire top needs to be unscrewed and removed. On the flip side, the TFV4 is prone to leaking whereas I have rarely experienced a leak issue with my Kanger tanks that wasn't caused by atmospheric conditions, such as extremely warm weather. Replacement coils for the Subtank mini are cheaper, but the TFV4 has many more coil options. The TFV4 coils also seem to last longer, so depending on your vaping style, you would likely find yourself changing coils less frequently. If that's the case, then the higher cost combined with the longevity is basically a trade-off. Most (but not all) of the TFV4 coils are really meant for sub-ohm vaping. They do have a couple of 1.5 ohm coil options, though. The TFV4 is really geared toward DTL (direct to lung) vapers where the Toptank mini can be used for MTL (mouth to lung) vaping. So again, it really comes down to what your preferences and what you think will fit your personal vaping style the best. If you are dead set on one of those two tanks, then I would recommend making a trip to a B&M that carries both tanks to see if they have one of each you can physically compare side-by-side.
  8. My haul from ECC 2016 today... Left to right - Chewberry by Cosmic Fog (x2 30ml bottles = 60ml total) The Shocker by Cosmic Fog (x3 30ml bottles = 90m toall) Truth by Propaganda (x1 60ml bottle) Subliminal by Propaganda (x1 60ml bottle) Magic Man by One Hit Wonder (x1 6oz/180ml bottle) Rated R by PG-18 (x2 70ml bottles = 140ml) Bubbles Gum Crimson Sweet by Magic Vapor (x1 60ml bottle) Boss Sauce by The Vape Lounge 760 (x1 120ml bottle) Total 770ml eliquid. Left to right: Minivolt Kit by Council of Vapor Hohm Slice Limited Edition by Hohm Tech The Minivolt (Tiny little bugger. Got this for stealth vaping) The Hohm Slice - (A single 26650 TC mod that will fire Kanthal in Temp Control mode.)
  9. I don't own a Subox Mini so I don't have any personal experience with them. That doesn't stop me from trying to find a possible solution to a problem, though. I have been scouring the net and have come across multiple posts on other forums that describe the same issue as described by the OP, so it doesn't appear to be an unique situation. Nobody seems to have a definite solution, though. However, in addition to the possible battery contact issue described by @FXRich there is one other thing that I thought of. Check the 510 pin on the mod. It may be stuck in a slightly down position to where it isn't making good contact with the tank. If you happen to be using a Toptank mini those apparently also have a spring loaded 510 connector. (I can't confirm this, as I also don't own a Toptank Mini. I'm only passing on what I saw in the video.) Check to make sure the 510 connector on the tank base it isn't stuck in the depressed position.
  10. Welcome to Vapor Talk. Don't be shy.
  11. It just so happens I'm going to be at ECC here in SoCal on Saturday. One of the things on my shopping list is a plethora of O-rings in various colors. I'll make sure to pick up some pink ones just for smac...errr...just for you, @Tam.
  12. LOL - Yep, they sure do. I rotate almost a dozen tanks fairly regularly. (Honest folks...I do use more than just my TFV8's!) Add in the fact that I usually drip when I'm kicked back on a Saturday or Sunday watching football and a drop in coil in one of my tanks can last me well over a month. In fact, I don't remember how long it has been since I changed the coil in my first TFV8 because those coils seem to last forever anyway. I do know the original coil lasted approximately a month, but that was with heavy use. It was my primary tank during that first month.
  13. Got another TFV8 Cloud Beast (my 3rd) as well as 2200' total of SS wire. Yes, two thousand two hundred feet. The 32 and 36 gauge are each 1000 foot rolls. I see some SS Fused Clapton coils in my near future. Might try my hand at an Alien Clapton also. New tank doesn't look too bad on top of my blue Fuchai 213. But since my Cowboys are playing tonight, I gotta go with some Silver and Blue. Looks pretty good on top of my Triade, too.
  14. We're all different. I sub ohm anywhere from 3-6mg. My nicotine ratio purely depends on the kind of day I'm having, though...lol.
  15. Yep. 4ml will give you just a bit under 2mg, but you're correct, it will slightly mute the flavor.
  16. Yes it makes sense. The quick answer - you will need to mix 4.17ml nic base with 45.83ml of your flavor base to get 2mg nic liquid. (Actually, just a tiny bit higher than 2mg, as technically you would need to add 4.166666666666... nic base to get exactly 2mg). However, since you pre-mix your base flavors to your preferred ratio (76/24), your final ratio after adding nic base is going to change slightly unless your nic base is also 76/24. It's also going to slightly mute the flavor.
  17. The Nitecore D4 charge time will depend on whether you are only charging one or two batteries or if you are charging three or four batteries at once. When charging one or two batteries, it charges at 750 mA per bay (I'm not 100% sure if it is the two middle bays or if it is any of the bays). When charging three or four batteries it charges at 375 mA per bay. Cell phone/tablet chargers vary by manufacturer. My work issued iPhone USB wall plug will charge at 1 amp. My work issued iPad wall plug will charge at 2.1 amps. My personal cell phone wall charger charges at 1.5 amps. Divide those figures by 2, 3 or 4 to get the charging amps per battery if you charge in the mod. One last thing - not all usb cables are created equal. Like wall chargers, usb cables are rated at different amperages. According to the literature that came with my Sigelei's, the usb cables are rated at 2 amps. I have usb cables rated anywhere from 500 mA up to 3 amps. This could lead to unexpected results in that you could hypothetically be using a 1.5 amp cell phone charger with a 500 mA usb cable. The cable is only going to operate at it's maximum rating, so you may inadvertently think you are charging three batteries at a combined 1.5 amps when in reality you would be charging three batteries at 500 mA. Don't mean to throw all of that extra info at you and possibly confuse you. The good news is, if you are charging three batteries in a RX200 you are going to run very little risk of the batteries overheating, but expect the charging time to be quite a bit longer than with an external charger. However, even though the risk of batteries overheating is minimal, the risk is still present. I personally wouldn't charge external batteries in a mod unless it's a situation where I was unable to charge in an external charger for some reason, but that's a personal preference on my part.
  18. And neither does this, in my opinion... I originally bought the pink Fuchai and the pink airflow ring for the TM v1 for a "Vaping for Boobies" thing I was going to do during October (breast cancer awareness month), but life got in the way and I never had a chance to sit and shoot the video. But for the record, I DO use these setups in public.
  19. I don't know...I'm only 5'10", weigh about 190 and walk around looking like I'm ticked off at the world most of the time (gotta maintain that mean cop image, ya know ), yet nobody gives me a hard time about this... ... I also have a Twisted Messes v1 RDA with a pink airflow ring.
  20. OK, if you're happy with it there then I recommend leaving it there. Personally, I would ramp the watts back up to between 30 and 35 if for no other reason than to get to that temp of 440 degrees a bit quicker. It shouldn't have a negative effect on your vaping, it will only hit that desired temp faster. It will also help if you decide you want a warmer vape with a different juice. You can leave the watts set and bump the temp up a bit.
  21. Awesome! Specifically which mod did you take my advice on? The rx200 with the crown 2 or the istick with the nautilus mini? Also, what did you end up setting the watts at and what temp did you end up with. (Bear with me, all of my questions will eventually come to an end with some possible suggestions for you or anybody else who cares to follow those suggestions.)
  22. @Foofightervapegirl, Out of curiosity, can you let me know exactly what setup you have for Temp Control? Mod, tank and coil resistance, please. EDIT: Also coil material (nickel, titanium or SS).
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