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Everything posted by Adversarious1

  1. Too late. They already look like idiots. Sent from my heart using the Vapor Talk App. OK...OK...I'm kidding. I have no heart. But I did use the Vapor Talk Mobile App.
  2. Just saw this story linked to the NBS Facebook page. Sounds like great news for vape shops! And it is actually coming from the FDA!! http://vaping360.com/fda-rules-vape-shops/ In a nutshell, the FDA has issued a new interpretation that says refilling a tank, changing a coil and setting up a new mod does not constitute a manufacturer. Here is the actual FDA interpretation.
  3. Something tells me @Waltis as fascinated by the science behind vaping as I am.
  4. Agreed wholeheartedly. Some of the YT guys are downright foolish with the way they pass on some of the information they pass on. If they don't know what they are talking about, they shouldn't be doing it. But to quote the late, great Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi: "Who's the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?"
  5. Colorado is too cold. Me and cold don't get along very well. You come to California and both @Christopherand I can show you how to set it up.
  6. I would absolutely love to see a reporter doing a story on an exploding mod ask the "victim" what type of build and what brand of battery they were using when it "exploded". Chances are this was not just a sub-ohm, but sub .1 ohm. Seriously...WTF are some people thinking building down to .05 ohms or lower? They might as well grab a revolver and start playing Russian Roulette. On the flip side...it might be Darwin's way of thinning out the idiots.
  7. Interesting question. You refer to a Recoil RDTA and RDA. The best of my knowledge, there isn't a Recoil RDTA, only an RDA. It looks like you received a lot of input for the same question over on Reddit and it looks like good input. What I find interesting is that nobody seems to question WHY it gets hot? Out of curiosity, what kind of build are you using on the Recoil? I have been thinking about getting one, but if it gets hot while running basic coils then I'll probably pass.
  8. Yep...everything @Ednasaid. Just remember, wide "bore" isn't the same thing as wide "mouth". You will come across 510 drip tips that are wide "mouth", but are still 510 tips. A thread from a few months ago if you want to read a little bit more. http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/topic/30379-wide-bore-vs-wide-mouth-drip-tips/#comment-266164
  9. Bingo! And someday you will find yourself chiming in to help other noobs by sharing your own knowledge, experiences and opinions. It's the least expensive and one of the most effective methods experienced vapers have to "pay it forward" to new vapers and make sure they are successful.
  10. Don't worry @Walt, your track record won't stay at zero forever. As far as your daughter wanting confirmation that vaping is perfectly healthy, it will never happen. We are still inhaling foreign substances. However, perhaps you can share this tidbit of information with her: My health insurance is with Kaiser Permanente and therefore I have a Kaiser doctor. KP is a huge opponent of vaping and will do just about anything to prescribe meds to their patients. After about 30 minutes of arguing (yes, actual arguing) with my doctor in which I told him more than once he was an ignorant @#$! who needed to do more objective research rather than "tow the company line and support Big Pharma". During that same visit he tried to convince me to try gum (been there, done that, causes heartburn), patches (been there, done that, causes horrendously violent dreams if you accidentally fall asleep with one on - a story all in itself), lozenges (been there, done that, causes mouth sores), Welbutrin (been there, done that, didn't do a thing for me) and Chantix. He actually wrote me a Chantix prescription AFTER we had the argument and I, in my less than tactful nature when I'm ticked off, told him I didn't need any toilet paper. I wadded the prescription up, told him I was not going to put anything in my body that is KNOWN to have a potential for causing suicidal ideations. He finally relented and admitted I had some valid points and that he would rather see me vaping than smoking. In other words, of course your daughter's best friend is going to be anti-vaping. Her livelihood depends on prescription drugs.
  11. @Edna (and everybody else) is correct. If you want a lot of cloud, you are going to go through more juice. However, a lot of cloud to you might not be a lot of cloud to me. The Baby Beast is one of the best tanks I have ever used. I have at least one in rotation daily, generally reserved for my drive home. They hold 3 ml of liquid and I can easily go through that in the hour and a half to two hours I spend on the road during my commute each afternoon. The coils do last me a long time, but that is because of the way I vape. I am constantly rotating through tanks (at last count I have 11 tanks I regularly rotate through). So yes, when you aren't using it as a daily driver the coils will last quite a while. However, over the holidays while I was on vacation I used my Baby Beasts as my daily drivers and the coils both lasted the entire 17 days of vacation. One of these days I'm going to convince @Tamthat lower resistance and sub-ohming does not necessarily mean warmer vapor. Spare batteries are always good to have on hand.
  12. I'll start by saying the coils that come with the Baby Beast (as well as all replacement coils at the moment) are kanthal. With that out of the way... The Baby Beast comes with two coils: The T8 (.15 ohm octo-coil) and the Q2 (.4 ohm dual core). The Q2 is the coil that comes pre-installed on the tank. The Q2 coil allows for slightly more airflow than the T8. The Q2 is rated from 20-50 watts with 30-40 watts being the recommended setting. The T8 is the extra coil and is slightly more restrictive than the Q2. The T8 is rated from 50-110 watts with 60-80 watts being the recommended setting. I own two of these. I run the T8 coils exclusively in my Baby Beasts and I generally set my mods to 75 watts. It isn't too warm, it isn't too cool. It's a small tank that packs a big punch. Great clouds and great flavor.
  13. Late to chime in on this, but one of the least confusing ways to think about it that I have come across is the water pipe analogy. In this analogy you need think of the following: Say you have two pipes, one of them a .5 inch pipe and the other is a 1.5 inch pipe. Now say you have 100 gallons of water and you want to push 50 gallons of water through each pipe in exactly the same amount of time. For sake of argument, we'll say that amount of time is 10 seconds. With the smaller diameter of the .5 inch pipe it is going to take a lot more pressure to get the water through that pipe than it would through the 1.5 inch pipe. The same principle applies to coils. The .5 ohm coil requires a higher wattage to reach the same temperature than the 1.5 ohm coil. That is a very basic analogy and there is much more to it, but the main point of the analogy is to explain why a coil of a lower rating requires more power to function in a similar manner as a coil of a higher rating.
  14. The factory SMOK TVF8 coils are all kanthal. I've heard rumors of SS coils coming, but to this point they are just rumors. And I agree on the Hohm mods. I have the Hohm Slice. Loving the ability to run my baby beasts in TC mode.
  15. I don't consider this a spoiler because the basic plot was announced a long time ago. It does tie in with the other movies. It's about how the Rebel Alliance got the plans to the Death Star. Anything else you want to know you'll just have to go see the movie for yourself.
  16. For the Star Wars fans on the forums, I had the opportunity to see Rogue One last night. Going again tonight with the kids. I promised no spoilers and there will be none, but I will say this: If you're a hardcore Star Wars fan, the last 2 minutes of the movie alone are worth the price of admission. That is all.
  17. I saw that one yesterday, too. Older article, but the first time I had seen it. Probably from the same source.
  18. Two more articles from this week that I wouldn't have seen if it hadn't been for the NBS group on Facebook. The first is an article that was published in the LA Times on December 12, 2016 and focuses on the most recent annual survey of 8th, 10th and 12th graders and their use of various substances to include e-cigs. The results from the 2016 survey show a decline from 2015 in almost every category the survey focuses on, including the use of e-cigs. Teens are cutting back on drugs, alcohol, smoking and even electronic cigarettes, study finds. The second one is an opinion piece by a physician that appeared on Slate.com of all places...another source I would never go to under normal circumstances. Honestly, the only reason I went ahead and clicked the link was because of the title of the article: E-Cigarettes Might Be the Best Addiction to Have. The piece is mostly positive and is actually one of the few recent articles I have seen that openly admits there isn't enough data to justify the FDA's actions in regards to the deeming regulations. E-Cigarettes Might Be the Best Addiction to Have.
  19. From info on another forum, the base of the standard drip tip should be 13.5mm, so that may help. Another couple of options would be to try a different 510 drip tip with slightly larger O rings in the adapter or see if you can get a different adapter for it, as the adapter might be the culprit. I'll take a look at some other options tomorrow. Just happened to see this before heading to bed.
  20. I originally saw the link to this article in one of the groups I follow on Facebook. Given the source, (the Washington Post), I never would have found it myself. After all, I don't think it's a big secret which way I lean politically. In spite of it appearing in what is generally accepted as one of the more liberal news publications in the United States, it was a pretty good article. Some quick background for those outside the United States or those living under a rock. The U.S. Surgeon General recently released an almost 300 page report on e-cig use among teens in the United States. The report has been met with support of the anti-tobacco groups and, not surprisingly, harsh backlash among not only the vaping community, but public health researchers. Ultimately, the report is nothing by almost 300 pages of misinformation and propaganda. In any event, there have been several articles lashing out at the report in recent days. Surprisingly, many of them have come from the more liberal news sources. This one I'm providing the link to is one of the better opinions I've read. Washington Post Article
  21. I totally meant to mention that in my disclaimer about the differences between MTL and DTL. Thank You @Bebopfor mentioning it. The lower the ohm level, the lower you are going to want to take your nic levels. I started at 18mg nic and 1.5 to 1.8 ohm coils. I quickly dropped to 12mg nic when I found I didn't need as much. Before I dropped to sub-ohm levels (below 1 ohm) I did a lot of research. A very basic rule of thumb is to cut your nic level in half when you go below 1 ohm. That is definitely a good place to start, but I ended up going even lower. Very rarely do I vape anything with 6mg nic. Most of my vaping is 0-3mg nicotine nowadays.
  22. It really depends on which charger, but I (and several others around here) would recommend against efest batteries. There is a guy named John Muchow (goes by Mooch online) who has thoroughly tested and reviewed virtually every 18650 battery on the market. In fact, his actual job revolves around testing batteries, so he has access to equipment to accurately (and safely) test batteries and his opinions are very trusted in the vaping community. Personally I would go with any four of the following; LG HE4, LG HG2, Samsung 25R, Samsung 30Q, Sony VTC4 or Sony VTC5. The efests are okay batteries, but the benchmark tests of those I just mentioned tested better. That is one area where I definitely don't listen to the vape shop guys (most of them seem to love either efest or mxjo batteries, but I have personally had better luck with the LG and Samsung batteries I use. Efest chargers, though, are good to go in my opinion and the opinions of many others. All that being said, yes, $53ish sounds about right for four batteries and a charger. And kudos to you for supporting your friends business. I never hold that against anybody. In fact, while I get most of my stuff online, I'm a huge proponent for supporting local B&M's, especially if someone at that B&M has taken time to show you some equipment and explain various things.
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