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Everything posted by Adversarious1

  1. Welcome to VT, DW! If anything, you won't find a lack of people around here who care. Even the 'lurkers' like to come out once in a while to brag or share their experiences with others and know our experiences will be appreciated. My own personal setup...depends on what I grab in the morning...lol Kanger EMOW pen style (that I still use on occasion) Sigelei 100+ (definitely seen better days and it has pretty much been relegated to the "reserve shelf", but it still gets used) iPV 4 that I custom painted (also seen better days and, as with the 100+, is on the shelf, but still gets used occasionally) Three...yes, three...Sigelei Fuchai 213's with every intent of buying 3 more and finishing out a full set so I have one of every color. Currently I have a blue one, an orange one and a pink one. Yes...pink. Council of Vapor Mini Volt Lost Vape Triade DNA 200 Hohm Tech Hohm Slice single 26650 TC mod Limitless Sleeve Hybrid Mech Mod Hyon Ruga VIP mech mod Beyond Vape Arthas 18650 Mech Mod USA Made Mods Infected mech mod (complete with Zombie hunting permit) Other stuff I'm almost definitely forgetting about. More RDA's, RTA's and sub ohm tanks than I can remember.
  2. I'll have to remember to take a picture of my hobby bench later. The magnifying glass is the one things still on the list of things to get for it.
  3. I actually had the optivisor because I build scale models (cars, tanks, planes, etc.) Some of the parts I work with are very small, so those help. I merely took a tool in my box that was intended for one thing and adapted it for another. Sort of like what you're doing.
  4. I use an optivisor when I make clapton wire or helix...anything where I'm using a drill and wrapping wire around wire.
  5. Yes, that is the study, although it still isn't the full results of the study. There have actually been scientific studies on how to conduct scientific studies. In this particular study they used 181 subjects broken down into 5 groups of groups of 36-37 subjects per group. If the individual group results were the same across each entire group (i.e. - everybody in group 'A' displayed the same or very similar results; group 'B' displayed the same or similar results, etc) then the size of the group was adequate. Without knowing the specific results of each group and what the range of results was (if any) then we really can't tell. The fact the study was measuring something different than the one in the JoP is precisely the problem in. The FDA, CDC, legislators and anybody else with an anti-vaping agenda only want to see what they want to see. It isn't about comparing the two studies, it's about using one half of the whole story to support a specific view or stance while pretending there ins't another half to the story that is in direct contradiction to their view. Basically, it's politics at it's finest. Anecdotally so can thousands upon thousands of other former smokers, myself included. Unfortunately that's precisely what it is - anecdotal evidence. As far as getting people to fund the studies, it's more than just big tobacco that would like to see vaping go away. It's also big pharma (don't forget, it's more profitable to treat a problem than cure one) and it's legislators. Legislators either want to outlaw vaping altogether and essentially force people back to cigarettes or they want to tax vaping across the board because of the revenue being lost due to people quitting smoking. My opinion only - the propaganda being spewed by those with an anti-vaping agenda is geared toward bringing in tax dollars. It has nothing to do with whether or not they truly believe vaping is dangerous or hazardous to public health.
  6. It might go without saying, but I'll volunteer to beta test (or even alpha test if you need it) when you get to that point.
  7. What do you think the odds are that the FDA and/or the CDC actually read this article...let alone read the actual study. It's a shame, because a certain political stance in the United States is leading the charge against vaping in the name of "public health". In reality their stance on vaping has zero to do with public health. They are leading the charge against vaping because they see tax dollars from traditional cigarettes dropping and see the potential to regain those tax dollars and fund their pet projects through vaping. For them taxing vape products or banning vape products and sending vapers back to big tobacco is a win/win situation. I would love to see ENDS devices officially declared a smoking cessation device. If that's the case, while the FDA could still regulate them, it would prevent money hungry politicians from taxing them like cigarettes.
  8. Welcome to VT @KarynRH Don't ever feel like an idiot for asking completely legitimate questions or stating completely legitimate concerns. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in stating that I would much rather see new vapers ask what may seem like silly questions to them than I would hear of someone who gave up out of frustration and went back to analogs, or worse, become a statistic because something DOES blow up in their face. That being said, I think @spydre is spot on. It's probably getting hot simply due to hitting it several times in a short period of time. It happens. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with your mod, your tank or your particular method of vaping. There are a couple of things you can do that will help cut down on it, though. The first, and probably thet cheapest, I would recommend is trying a coil with a higher resistance than .5 ohm, for instance the 1.2 ohm coils SSOCC coils. You won't get as much vapor, but it also won't get as hot. As a mouth-to-lung vaper you may actually enjoy the higher resistance a bit more. You will also notice a longer life on your battery between charging.
  9. Your favorite thing can be making it. My favorite thing would be drinking it.
  10. I'm going to go with option 3 and assume that the forum is still in the process of re-caching everything. It was happening at work on my laptop, where I use Chrome 99% of the time and on my desktop where I am forced to use IE. Here at home it's only happening in IE, but I only checked IE to see if it was still happening.
  11. Okay...the first issue I reported seems to have resolved itself. Funny, considering the whole reason I decided to report it was because it was still happening less than five minutes before I typed it up. Wait...I take it back. I resolved itself in Chrome, but not in IE. In IE it is still landing beyond the top of the newest post, and I think the only reason it didn't land further down is because the page was already scrolled down as far as it would go. Here are a couple of screen grabs of the other issue This first one is how it appears in Chrome Here is how it appears in IE
  12. There are a couple of things I want to report. The first is occurring when I click the little dot next to a topic to go directly to the most recent posts(s). When I see a new post and click the dot, the page isn't landing on the newest post. Sometimes it is half-way through the new post and other times it is landing all the way at the bottom of the page. I have experienced this in both Chrome and IE. The other issue is exclusive to IE. The little "New' graphic that pops up next to the categories on the main forum page when there is new content in a particular category is not displaying. It works fine in Chrome, just not in IE. @Christopher, if you happen to reply to this message, shoot me a PM along with it and I'll try to grab some screenshots to describe exactly what I'm talking about.
  13. I think @Christopherbroke the interwebs. I'm having a couple of issues as well. Not with what @canyreported, but a couple of other minor things. Another post pending....
  14. My better half has finally learned the "don't ask, don't tell" policy I have implemented regarding my vape equipment. The one time she has asked in recent memory was the best, though. . HER: Geez! How much vape stuff do you have? ME: You know better than to ask such a silly question when you really don't want to know. HER: You're probably right, but where did you get that shiny one? (she pointed to one of my mech mods) ME: YOU bought it for me for Father's Day in 2015! HER: I did? ME: Yep. I still have the box with the note you wrote attached to it that says, "don't friggin blow yourself up". True story
  15. Excuses? You don't need no stinkin' excuses! Didn't your father every tell you it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission?
  16. My advice - don't let yourself get locked in on the 24 gauge, 6 wrap dual at .3 ohms. Wire is cheap. Experiment with different gauges, different id's (inside diameters), different wrap numbers, etc. You may find you like a dual 7 wrap with 26 gauge around the 3mm coil jig which would clock in at about .5 ohms or you may find you like a dual 5 wrap with 24 gauge around the 2.5mm coil jig, which would clock in at about .2 ohms. Have fun and experiment. Watch a lot of videos, pay attention to instruction and make sure you only work when direct adult supervision is present.
  17. My recommendation - try them both. Run at least a full tank with each coil, then decide which you like better. Preferences vary from person to person and opinions on which coil to use are, for the most part, purely subjective. If it was me, I would run the .3 ohm because I am not necessarily worried about battery life or liquid consumption so it is closer to my personal vaping style. @Bebop, on the other hand, might prefer the .5 ohm specifically because it will cut down on the amount of liquid consumed and slightly extend battery life. Either of the coils should give you a good vape experience, though.
  18. Although I have only been vaping for a couple of years and others here have been vaping for a lot longer, I can still get coils for every single tank I have in my possession, some of which have been around quite a bit longer than I have been vaping. Things like the Kanger KPT2's and 3's and Kanger E-vod tanks in my arsenal are a few examples of tanks that have been around longer than I have been vaping, but coils are still widely available. I have tanks from Kanger, Aspire, HorizonTech, SMOKTech, Sense, Beyond Vape and more and I can easily find coils for any of them.
  19. First, I moved this thread from "Coils" to "Wick and Wire". Second, are you re-wicking factory coils or is there an RBA deck for the Mini Helmet I'm not aware of? Re-building and re-wicking factory coils can be tricky. It isn't impossible, but the odds of having a very different experience from a re-built and/or re-wicked factory drop-in coil vs. a brand new coil are very high.
  20. Which Sigelei mod are you running? Are you using drop in coils in a tank or hand made coils?
  21. Make sure you invite him to join us here on VT also. We'll behave.... Honest.
  22. Ok, yes, it does appear to be depressed below the threads. Try cleaning it with a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Sometimes that is enough to get rid of whatever is causing a pin to stick. If it doesn't work, then you should be able to get it up with some tweezers or very fine tipped needle nose pliers. Once you get the pin up, check the Troll without the heatsink.
  23. No, it doesn't necessarily mean your Troll is broken, especially since you say the same thing happens with the Hellboy. It could be several things but is likely a connection issue of some sore. Try cleaning the 510 connector on the mod and Troll to see if that fixes your issue. Check to make sure the 510 pin on the mod isn't getting stuck in the "down" position (I have seen this issue with several RX200 series mods). Check that your coil(s) are not loose. Check to make sure the airflow ring isn't making contact with the coil(s) (this would be causing a short). Make sure you are in the correct mode for the type of coil you have on it. Make sure your coil resistance isn't too low. Make sure the screw on the bottom of the RDA is turned out far enough to be making contact with the 510 pin. Also, provide pics if possible. The old saying "a picture is worth a thousand words" is true. Sometimes people around here can tell what is wrong simply by looking at a picture and one of us may be able to give you a definite answer. Those are all of the suggestions I have off the top of my head, but I'm sure I'll think of more or someone else will chime in. People around here are good like that.
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