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About AmandaWV

  • Birthday January 21

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  1. I have a question about a Tekk mod I bought. The person I got it off of said they were going to send me a multi volt and I thought great because I like to drip 306 LR cisco attys (they produce awesome vapor and flavor) I got tired of having to worry about how many attys I had left so I got about 25. I got my tek mod about a week ago and it is only a 5 volt. It has the multi volt switch on it but it didn't work. I took it apart and there are no wires wired to the switch. Does anyone have any clue on how to make this a muli volt. I have been building mods and I am sure I can do this if I had the directions or schematics. Thanks!! From my husband. Chuck
  2. I recently placed an order with MadVapes and the order was perfect as usual except I got a BONUS. There was an atomizor and a drip tip in there. I just figured they just threw something in. So I decided to try my "free atty and drip tip" and instantly fell in love. I wanted more of them but couldn't find them on there site. I gave them a call and ended up emailing them some pics. The guys at madvaps are awesome they researched this and found out they didn't sell this and it was accidently put in my order. They said they didn't know for sure but they thought it was a 306. When I saw a pic of a 306 I was almost positive I had found it. I orded some of these and it was very close but not the same. The tip is too lose (drip tip) and the little seal on the bottom is black and not white (like my orginal) I checked the resitance and it was 1.2 ohms. Does anybody have any ideas what the heck this is? Somebody said maybe an 801. Thanks.
  3. My husband LOVES LOVES LOVES Kamel from esmoke.com BUT they are O-U-T out and he is about out as well. He is going bonkers Can anyone recomend a juice? He has tried Mar-broh and Cherry smoke from Vikingvapor.com and he HATES them away. If anyone wants to buy them off of him let me know he will let them go cheap. BUT right now just curious what everyone likes
  4. PS already got ahold of Jolly.
  5. He saw the journey man and FELL IN LOVE. He has his heart set on a 5 Volt. He wants VAPOR and a good throat hit. BUT he doesn't want to pay out of the wazoo either. He also saw the prodigy too
  6. Do you like flavors? Camel is my husbands fav (24mg) ME I like FRUITS strawberry, grape, things like that 0 nic. I vap for fun.
  7. I have been on a mission looking for a 5 volt mod for my husband ALL weekend. (my weekend off ) I have looked everywhere. They are either out of stock, in another country, a million dollars or something or other. Any advice? Does anyone know of any used ones? He is desprite at this point (well I am ) I don't want to get him crap though lol Ok thanks for letting me rant, vent and express. Oh and nice to meet you my name is Amanda.
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