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Everything posted by leadpipe58

  1. Welcome Jim Ask away we are to help you vape safely. Can you build coils and understand ohm's law?? For big clouds this were to start.
  2. I would be willing to bet you have a juice with sugar in it instead of sweeter witch will kill coils in a day. If it is super sweet it is a good bet.ask when you by your next juice. Are you priming your new coil,adding a few drops on each coil then letting it soak for a minute? Do you brake in your coil? Starting at a lower wattage and working up to the perfired wattage. If we can be of help please ask. I have 2 juice co.to recommend. Higgycigs.com and tmaxx.com.great people to deal with.
  3. How old is the battery? I have the same issue on a few of my mods because the battery can no longer put out the amps. Get a new or known good battery and give it a try. I get about a year and a half out of my battery's.
  4. Welcome John. I to know nothing about mesh except that dry hits are killer. Look for the tank on you tube and watch videos on how it works.
  5. Do not vape e liquids with sugar in it. The only way is to diy your juice to be sure. Most vape shop juices are loaded with sugar. Hope it helps..
  6. Only if vaping devices are included in the products under the tariff. We will need to see.when a tarff is imposed it does not include everything a country makes.
  7. Hey Kerk. What type of atomizer are you using? If you're making the coils build a bit higher. Do the batteries act the same with different atomizers? Do the batteries drain as quickly in a different mod? If the drain is slower with a different tank or in a different mod it is the hardware if not batteries.
  8. leadpipe58


    Hi Nicki Please feel free to ask anything you like.there is no dumb question if you don't know the answer. Welcome
  9. What is the ratio of 100 ml nic to 6% nic salt? How much 100 ml nic to equal 6% nic salt? Thanks I do not want to buy nic salt for pod juice.
  10. Jack you can use steam engine to make Clapton coils. Click wire wizzard then Clapton in the drop down. It caulates 1 coil you must devide the ohm reading with the number of coils.
  11. Welcome to America
  12. The count for the flavor survey is 70000 witch is kind of sad when there's about 10 million vapors in the US. At least we got over the 30000 mark to be considered a valid survey and must be read by the FDA. Thank you for filling it out. Don't forget to right a e letter about your thoughts on flavoring and how it works to help you stay off the cigs. Thanks again.
  13. Agreed.straight sugar or corn syrup is not for vaping.ecigexpress.com and bell city flavors is a good choice. Sign up for all there news letters and get the best deals.
  14. What are you using to charge it?a power brick or computer? Try a different brick ,cord and a different outlet. Google the problem and check the manufacturer web site for troubleshooting tips. Check you tube for the problem to I bet you aren't the only one with this issue. Let us know what you find.
  15. Welcome looking forward to your vlog. I bet you have some great storys.
  16. As I am studying the best way to use CBD oil. I have been told that just squirting it under your toung and hold it for 10 seconds works best.
  17. Sorry to hear that. Fx is correct. The pods use a different type of nic and being allergic to PG is a possibility.. Trying an open style vape with tobacco nic the next step is a high VG juice. I hope that helps.
  18. No putting honey in you pen will just make a mess. E liquid is made from concentrates mixed with PG and VG. Sounds like you have an interest in making your own juice. The is tons of info on making e liquid on the web. I have been mixing for over 2 years now. We are here to help
  19. Did you discuss what went wrong? To low a build or stitch or wrong type of battery? Be safe
  20. Hello Paul. 2 years is pushing it. Was it stored in a dark cool place? Try a drop on the finger and try it. If it tastes ok the nic level will have degrade a bit. Lastly juice is more them half the price of juice 2 years ago. Get a few 30 ml and use the old stuff later. Still cheaper then smoking. Welcome back.
  21. 3 things to do. 1 ,read the manual. 2, Google the problem 3,look for a totoral on you tube. Good luck.
  22. Mixed mango,papay and passion fruit with some baverian cream just .05% of whipped cream and super sweet. I need to play with the persentages a little.
  23. Oh and making juice and coils is not hard at all.
  24. I have no plans to stop vapeing. I will cross the 4year mark in May. I started at 32 mg then quickly to 18mg now I am at 3mg because I like the throut hit. The way the world See's vaping we all need to know how to take care of our own. I make my coils juice and mods. I still like to get new gear too. If it all stop's I will be covered. To quit vaping it will have to come like smoking. When your tired if it you stop. I wish all good luck in your vaping adventure.
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