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Everything posted by cany

  1. Thanks for the replys/help Im not even into vaping for a week and Im already gonna have to start upgrading lol
  2. It says Kanger tech EVOD on the tank Im definatly going back to the shop tonight I cant use it like this anymore
  3. Well I had it upright all night put it in my pocket on a slight angel in way too work took a few hits on the way when I got to work there was juice on the battery again and in the mouth piece
  4. I will thanks if that works then I gotta find adifferent tank that I can lay on its side cause there aint no way I can keep straight up all the time lol
  5. The guy at the store made sure it was tight when he gave it to me and I rechecked it when I noticed the leak before it was still tight
  6. Thanks TAM, The whole setup is brand new(2nd tank) I havent used 1/4 of a bottle of juice thru it yet. The top of batt was almost full of juice and the mouth piece had quite a bit in it. The second tank they gave me this past Friday but it dodnt seem to help. Should I not be laying the vape on its side ??
  7. Im new too vaping and picked up a starter kit from a local Vape shop I have an ego C twist with a kanger tech tank. I started getting juice in the tip and it was also going into the battery. The shop cleaned it up gave me a new tank and I just noticed its happening again. The tanks not over filled Am I doing something wrong??
  8. Just curious if anyone knows anything about Vaping laws in ny Im new to vaping and wondering where I can and cant Vape
  9. Been smoking over 30 yrs figured its time for a break so I picked up a starter kit two days ago and already cut my smoking in half . Looking forward to being here. cany-
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