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Posts posted by cany

  1. This subtank mini is perfect for me. I use the rba more than the premade coil heads and its the right amount of cloud and flavor I need. I drip on my sigelei and dark horse setup but this one is my favorite all day vape setup.

    Im more of a premade coil guy for now  I dont wanna jump in head first just yet :)

  2. Thanks George  I was told to add about 5 drops down the center of the coil to prime it (now I will let soak also )  Ive been using it for about 2 days now The flavor/cloud is a bit better (to me) then the KPT2. But the one thing I like about it the airflow control to me its a lot more user friendly than the one on the KPT2 Im also using it with a 70vg mix that could be why the flavor/cloud a bit better?

  3. Yes I do just like the coffee I am drinking now. I don't see reason to also have it in my vape. To much caffine is not good either. I would ralther drink it than put it in my lungs. :)

    Too much nicotine is no good either but we still put it in our lungs  while trying to kick the addiction that got us started in vaping :)

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