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Everything posted by cany

  1. I just switched to a 40pg/60vg was using 50/50 before that I like the 40/60 better
  2. Im very happy with my KPT2 but Im starting to get the urge for more cloud once in a while. My i23 can go down to 0.3ohm is there a tank that will work with this and give me more cloud?
  3. Im already ready for another new toy :yes
  4. Now I really gotta fine me a coffee ADV cause I loves me coffee
  5. Ata quick glance I thought title said something else
  6. MMMMMMMMMMM Coffee never tried one yet whats a "coffee a ADV"?
  7. Then they found the arms/legs and the girl tied to the tree all eaten up with a W on her forehead
  8. Poor Quint a hell of a way to go
  9. Almost as bad as his prison over the edge moment.......................But then again he could of done it on purpose to see how they would react
  10. Someday Id love to catch a Big Ole Catfish
  11. I do mostly offshore fishing sharks/tuna etc season starting up in a few months here I cant wait
  12. Huge fan been watching since day one
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