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Everything posted by cany

  1. Congrats and Welcome to Vapor Talk
  2. We have a red/black one here at the shop now. Details say 50watts but pic shows 60W Im confused already lol
  3. Yup all day lol forgot the LL. I guess my batts lasting about normal then
  4. I might get 12-14 hrs out of it is that what you guys mean by all day??
  5. Cool Thanks this 2100 one I have dont last long
  6. So a higher mah battery lasts longer than a low mah one?
  7. What does the higher Mah do?
  8. I better hurry up and reorder :yes
  9. Rixter are these the same as the ones you posted I cant find the post. http://www.amazon.com/Efest-Purple-2500mAh-Rechargeable-Batteries/dp/B00P8BXE3G/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1432122798&sr=1-1&keywords=efest
  10. I tried it looking in a mirror they still jumped around but not nearly as low as when I was just looking at the screen
  11. My watts jump around like crazy goes down too 2 watts then bounces all around low watts nothing smooth about it I think
  12. Got ya thanks for all the help I think Ill look into a Kanger subtank for it I would like to have a dedicated tank for it that Im happy with Trial/error I guess
  13. you think using a naut mini could be messing me up?
  14. Jumped to 500F and 25 watts seems to be better my coil 0.27 and Im using a naut mini
  15. So thats normal? Im also noticing cool spots during the hit
  16. Rixter when I hit the fire button after a few secs the watts are jumping all over the place up/down not holding a steady number
  17. Cool thanks I just tried I didnt know it automatically reduces the watts
  18. Well went back to the store where I bought the nickel coils/2 were bad so far Basically there was nothing they could do but the guy did tell me that if the last two are bad to bring the back and he would do something for me since only one worked. I was so close to pulling the trigger on a Kanger subtank for the invader but I resisted
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