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Everything posted by cany

  1. Its good youll like it I use little necks there 3doz for $15 makes for some snacking
  2. I was having a bit of a popping/spatter issue turned up the watts and that seemed to take care of it,Why I dunno but my tongue is happy :yes
  3. Im gonna share this with you guys. THESE are my world famous canyclams they have been made in the UK and Australia (WORLD FAMOUS) . Place your favorite small clam (shell side up) on the BBQ JUST ENOUGH HEAT TO GET THEM TO OPEN . While waiting for them to open grab your favorite beverage and melt some butter. As the butter is melting mix some bread crumbs and parmajon cheese together Even mix or to taste it dont matter its up too you. Now when clams open up twist off the shellpart with out the meat add a spoon full of butter to the clam part then a spoonfull of the parmajon/bread crumb mixture then a bit more butter on top of that. Go get a new beer wait about about 2 mins take them off then enjoy
  4. Yikes just blew a big cloud at my smoke detector dead on and it went off :evil:
  5. For me its all about the flavor
  6. Nice wanna pick up 2 more and ship therm to NY :animier:
  7. Im watching looks like I got the old version I can relate to the battery cap lol
  8. Good or bad Rixter way too long for me too watch lol
  9. So far Im liking this 24w 520-temp wide open airflow Tip gets a bit hot at the end of the hit (for me) but its doable. Im vaping a juice I had today all day in the Naut mini and with the kanger setup Im tasting another flavor at the end which I never tasted with the mini :thumbup:
  10. Subtank mini 0.15 premade nickel coils. I bought the oring kit might change them to the black ones
  11. One of the suppliers gearbest has them up for pre sale now with all the details about it
  12. Jason my coil reads 0.26 I have watts @24 and temp @ 540 It seems to bring out the flavors more for me. I think Im gonna pickup a sub ohm tank and see how that does
  13. That you will I know I sure did hell Im still learning. Be prepared to add to your arsenal of vaping toys :yes
  14. Question (go figure) Using temp control the nickle coils have to be low ohms since they are low ohm coils are they considered sub ohm? If so should I be using an actual sub ohm tank (more air flow tank) as opposed to the Nautilus mini Im using now
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