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Everything posted by cany

  1. ​I cleaned 3 today just to keep with me
  2. You can rinse/soak the tank in hot water for a few hrs.Then another soak in plain old Vodka for a few hrs. Let it sit and dry out over night. Some juices will leave a strong flavor behind while some wont the juices I vape I dont bother cleaning my tanks after a few mins of vaping a new juice the old flavor fades away
  3. I wish I could do that lol I get too nervous Im not gonna have something I want
  4. Is it necessary to carry all this juice with me I didnt even know what was in there I found Comps PBFB hiding in there I was wondering where it went
  5. Coil was shot put in a new one Im good to go
  6. How does NI wire hold up after being dry fired a couple of times? I have a NI coil in for 3 days now this Am I accidentally fired it a few times dry (didnt realize tank was empty) I refilled the tank with a different juice and at the same settings I was using IM getting a hit like Im using 36 nic but Im only using 2nic At the end of the hit is bad and almost tatstes burnt if I drop down too 460/80 it goes away but I get a cool almost tasteless vape. Did I fry the coil?
  7. I picked up some Vanilla custard I add a bit of Carmel to it its pretty tasty
  8. ​When I get back to work Ill link the vid
  9. Oh damm My tool guys sell knives I have a draw full I love collecting them cause most I buy are illegaL to possess here in NY MY most recent is a S&W I modified into a push button side full auto
  10. Talked to the company, they want me too send my invader back too see if its not working right. Well Im not gonna send it back to wait a month for a replacement pretty much told them Id rather buy the new improved mini from another company. They know theres issues with the first guess Im stuck with it
  11. Ive had a few more issues with mine tried emailing sweet vapes but no reply yet, the issues are minor
  12. ​ ​I gotta agree I really did want a Blue one
  13. Well I guess buying another one is one way to get another 510 connection base lol
  14. ​I havent seen it on the screen, do you feel the hit temp drop?
  15. Dragon, How do you know when you hit temp protection??
  16. ​Practice on subtank mini coils so I can send you some to build for me
  17. How do you guys know when you hit Temp control?
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