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Everything posted by cany

  1. cany

    Kanger sub mini

    Got it Jason Thanks looking forward to trying it
  2. It says "We cannot locate the topic you are trying to view"
  3. Awesome thank you Im a bit confused with the cotton layers you use the middle part of the cotton?
  4. Thanks Jason, Im down to 24w 460 dgrs now with stock NI coil. 3mm spaced coil? whats that.............. Cotton tight? It should be a bit hard too pull thru the coil? The tail now im really confused. Bear in mind this is all new to me
  5. Ok guys Im thinking I wanna attempt to build a ni coil on the kanger mini rda Need some tips as to what you guys use wire type size cotton etc Is there a standard wrap size I can use to get sat 0.05 ohm. Any info would be greatly appreciated
  6. Just saw this shen looking forward to watching it Have to do tomorrow though Im shot n ready for bed
  7. I dunno if its true just going by what he told me
  8. Bebop The guy at the store was telling my NI wire has a coating on it he says he use to run the wire between 2 fingers a bunch of time before he would build a coil. He recommended I dry fire a new coil a few times to burn off the coating before adding juice too it
  9. Watched a vid of a guy using the kanger occ nickel coils in a vapor shark he was using 25w 450 temp and loving it. He said coil life is great and hes gotten two weeks out of one of the coils. He showed one after a week of use and the wire was spotless.I know lots of factors add to gunk build up. My coils last no where as long as his did. My question to you guys will a higher/lower watt/temp affect build up more?
  10. Im loving the TC no burnt hits/burnt cotton
  11. Got ya the one I did I opened them up a bit and Im getting some great flavor/cloud out of it
  12. ​Yes I did One thing I noticed when I scraped the coils off they were wound tight it appeared in the vid he says the wraps need to be spaced apart is this correct?
  13. Thanks guys for all the help/ advice I did a little experiment. I took one of the old coils that was gunked up I gave it a quick clean up with some hot water and a bit of gunk scraping then a quick dry with the air blower so far is good again. I guess the juice Im using is putting a hurting on the coils Looks like its time to learn too start building my own I figured the gunk would affect the flavor more than the watts/temp
  14. Im using occ ni 200 kanger replacement coils. It ake the coil out of the package screw it into the base them attach the tank to the batt turn mod on hten select new coil up. If my watt/ TC setting the same I vave if not i reset the settings to what I like then vape.
  15. ​What do you mean set properly and wicked Im using premade coils
  16. ​I dont understand If i dont fire it how does it get warm? I get the strange feeling that Im just going thru coils real fast The ones Ive looked at the coil is all gunked up but the cotton looks fine
  17. Ok my new coil at 24w 520TC started loosing flavor/warmth I jumped it too 560 34w seems ok now Does this seem like a coil issue?
  18. Thanks Bebop I might give that a try
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