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Everything posted by cany

  1. Cool wifes picking mine up now
  2. S6 active is better than the s6 and s6 edge ??
  3. Fixed batt I can deal with it seems to have good batt life so need to swap out for a fresh one what other "quirks" have you heard about it?
  4. Kanger subtank mini got my vote but I still use my Nautilus Ive never had the issues you have with mine
  5. Picking up the ATT S6 active looks like a good rugged phone
  6. Just tried telling wife to go too bedroom she agreed but said its its gonna be a lonley few days
  7. The episode with the Rays jumpind was pretty cool
  8. Playing on my computer enjoying a fresh tap beer and having a good ole time chucking some clouds. When all of a sudden I hear "HEY KNOCK IT OFF I CANT SEE WHAT IM DOING OVER HERE" Think I fogged out the wife lol she gotta ruin my fun
  9. Welcome to Vapor Talk...... Ive been vaping about 6 months and feel a hell of a lot better than when I smoked full time
  10. I would use and just rotate them
  11. Thanks Tam I was very proud of myself after that
  12. 3am after a hard night of Partying nothing beats a pile of White Castles
  13. Today I learned that the +side of a battery looks different than the - side Now I aint gotta fumble the battery around looking for that little +- sign
  14. The site I admin If the sponsors post in the wrong board we simply move it too the right one
  15. Love the White Castles I cant resist them Where in NY were ya
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