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Everything posted by cany

  1. I have both version of the subtank mini's and havent had an issue with either one I might just stick with them
  2. Today I learned that when your fed up and ready to shoot your Mod with a 12ga It might be user error and not the Mods Fault
  3. Was curious I was thinking of getting another subtank and wasnt sure which version of it I wanna get
  4. The one with an air intake on either side??
  5. Thanks Bebop They seem to have the lowest price too
  6. I got logged in as Tam once now all I see everywhere I go on the net if Istick50w adds
  7. Now the damm thing is working fine Does anyone know where I can get the Invader mini second edition and not have it take 2 weeks to get??
  8. Ok its newest trick is showing Ohm too low I tried a new used coil it worked fine for a few hrs then back to low ohm. I wonder how this invader will stand up to a 12ga shot
  9. cesar what setup do you use now??
  10. I would get one of each just so you will be covered
  11. Has anyone tried wrapping a tight NI coil
  12. 85 dgrs in the shop at 7.30am when I opened up
  13. I hear ya doing anything work wise when its Hot out is miserable Hell I dont even wanna mow my lawn lol
  14. 86 and muggy here I dont like this weather I prefer the colder temps. I cant wait fora foot of snow covering the ground lol
  15. The difference really is amazing I almost feel bad for my other mods I kinda look at them like the red headed step childs of my bottomless bag of vape toys
  16. LOL I shoot spiders in the house with a Pellet gun cause I dont wanna get close to them
  17. Sure it is when you spread it out over 2 weeks Cant beat the subtank mini for flavor/vapor
  18. Sounds like too much Nic my pops had same issue I gave him some lower NIC juice last night and he didnt cough at all
  19. Been using my other mods lately Still love them but I keep going back to my TC mod the non TC mods just cant compare too it
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