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Everything posted by cany

  1. Its a great Backup mod works great and holds a charge a long time ......Well worth getting one
  2. Today I learned that charging an I stick50w with a bLuetooth usb charger takes forever Its been charging 8 hrs and its still not done
  3. cany


    Did you try lowering the watts?
  4. UGG Its a Hot /humid one here today I really hate working in this weather
  5. Having my Butterscotch,Carmel,(hint of Hazelnut) combo with a Kentucky Bourbon Barell stout Its amazing together The flavors in my Vape really stand out
  6. When I quoted the post it added a quote/pic that wasnt even in that thread
  7. Seems when I quote some posts stuff from other posts adds it self in. Tams triton.subtank thread my last post as an example
  8. Quote gone wrong Christopher ^^^^^^^^ that post shouldnt have The muffin Man lol
  9. Couple of Porters Seafood stuffed shrooms on the side Shrimps in cocktail sauce are somewhere cant find the Wife must be hiding them
  10. I know what your going thru Rainbow Ive been slipping bad lately too
  11. KPT3 Ill look into them I still have my Egoc twist batt I can use
  12. Im using 2mg But Im not sure nic is my issue Im use too cigs with certain things, at work Im a Mechanic/Machinist and run the shop when the boss isnt around ( I run around doing like 10 things at once)sometimes its easier to have the cig In my mouth as opposed to the invader (ive tried its heavy) I think its the mental thing pulling me back which is weird because when I started vaping all I wanted too do was vape
  13. Still doing bad with the cigs Its really bumming me out lately I was doing so good Im going to go thru tomorrow as usual. Monday Im back to vaping hard
  14. Theres just something about TC I really do try to use my other mods/tanks but TC is always haunting me lol
  15. I love my invader mini but the issues lately I need another TC mod for when it freaks out. My other mods help but I really miss TC when using them
  16. Someone wrote...... " I get a nice pop and a wad of juice jumps into my mouth."
  17. Borrowed this pic His reasons why its angled what do you guys think?? 1) legs and first wrap on each end won't touch causing hotspots. 2) shorter legs = more accurate temp reading
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