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Everything posted by cany

  1. You guys ever check this site out? Bud sent it too me even though I dont DIY CLICK HERE
  2. BBQ Sauce has been added to last pic then put on BBQ to heat up a bit. Wife & Harley approve so far so Im Happy
  3. Thanks Earthling I have the BBQ preheating.................. I think I screwed it up on the smoker because i WAS opening it a lot to squirt it with apple cider lost a lot ofheat and should of let it go for a few more hrs but by 8.00 the alcohol did me in and I was no longer to keep an eye on the smoker Earthling is it ok to wrap in foil ??
  4. Thanks Tam I was kinda thinking the same thing except Im gonna use the BBQ too finish cooking it ................... I hope they are gonna post some pics
  5. Ok almost 8.5 hrs pulled it off its not exactally pulling apart with forks guess its not done but I am...... Can I throw it back in the smoker tomorrow??
  6. Phewwwww then alls going well lol Ribs on top......
  7. Me too Its crispy but temp still low Im confused the crust is gettin kinda burnt
  8. UGG Im really confused now Everything I watched/read is thrown out the window
  9. Thanks B no way Im doing 20 hrs lol I think this Smoker gets a bit above 250.....I will use your fork method Thanks
  10. Why so long on the butts? I was told 6-8 hrs to do the one I have
  11. DAMMMMMMMMMM Im a noob at Smokeing too here lol Pork Butt
  12. Have Hickory and some Mesquite Waiting for Wife to get back so I can start lol Nice so ya got any secret recipes you wanna share This smoker has a water/drip pan.........................20-22 hrs YOWZAAAAAAAAAA Im doing a 5lb butt I hope it dont take that long
  13. I know theres a few of you here. Heres my new Smoker doing a Pork Butt (pulled pork) and some Beef ribs today
  14. Good Evening Everyone...................... Chillin with the Subox Mini full of Hydra bones And a tall glass of Vodka Cran with a Lime
  15. Did the tank come with a spare glass tank? If so try that and see if the leaking stops. If 17w tastes good too you then your fine
  16. Welcome aboard
  17. Ego C Twist with Evod tank
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