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Everything posted by cany

  1. Ok took 45mins but I realized the Triton has an air flow at the bottom
  2. You can use Kanthal you just have to use the mod in V/W mode not TC mode
  3. Thanks I thought I read somewhere it was top/bottom fill makes sense now cause I couldnt figure out hot to get the bottom apart lol
  4. Ive filled my subtank while driving and also changed the battery in my invader
  5. Try a new coil I just put in a new NIcoil in and It was shot from the get go burnt nasty tasting
  6. The few wraps Ive dine have been 28ga 5-6 wraps come in around 1,0 1,2 this was on a subtank mini
  7. I wanna get something like that I have a Snapon screwdriver set (from work) and assorted pliers/cutters I carry I wanna keep it all in one neat package like yours
  8. Hey Guys I remember a thread about a coil making kit that you guys liked. Im thinking of getting one who knows maybe it will help with coil building lol. What do you guys use/recommend
  9. Thats cool I didnt know there was a few coil options for the MELO
  10. Anyone use Vapor Joes vaping deals app
  11. I agree that would of been a bit better lol
  12. Good Evening Everyone...... Suns going down starting to cool off Enjoying a nice Tap Porter vaping away Its all good
  13. Been watching the Marathon for a few hrs
  14. I know theres a few threads out there on this tank but I cant find them Ive had this tank for a while now finally got it back into rotation. Picked up somt new .5 coils last night and I gotta say this is one awesome tank flavor/cloud/ air flow this tank cant be beat Vaping it on the Istick50W now and couldn't be happier.For the life of me I cant figure out how I forgot about this tank. Guess I gotta check my bag more often
  15. For a new sutup for $75 You cant beat the subtank mini its An all in one package good mod good tank (which you can expand on) The I stick 50 is a great batt as well as the KPT2 but with that tank your limited the subtank gives you room to expand (if you want too).... Knowing what I know now If the subox mini setup was around when I was looking for a second setup I would of jumped all over it. As of now its my second go too setup use it daily I can subohm or not with it.
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