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Everything posted by cany

  1. Should of primed your coil you would of seen it had no wick
  2. I knew I should of asked you guys when the black ring came off if it was ok or not
  3. UHOH You might be on to something there I was having issues with the black ring that goes on top of the batt the one thats hanging off the side kept coming off so I kept sticking it back on
  4. Jason It wasnt hot at all all I did was grab the front + end and lift it out like I always do the only thing it would of touched was the charger
  5. This scared the crap out of me I was taking my Purple efests-2800 out of the charger when I pulled the second one out I heard a HISS then a puff of smoke I almost had too go change my shorts
  6. Thanks Bebop as of now its still working But i DID order a new blue one from Vapenw yesterday just incase Hell I cant have enough of these things
  7. Ok I know you Guys think Im nuts but hear me out................Ive had om going issues with my invader mini since day one I tried everything to fix it bu today it hit me I tried holding the tank pin?> to the center pin on the invader.............. No atomizer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok what I been going thru (amongst other issues) so I says to my self, Self theres gotta be a connection here So I took the 510 connection thingy off the invader and took a look low n behold I saw a bit or black rubber in the threads (from the Bat covering?) So I figured Maybe iM GETTING A BAD CONNECTION? So I cleaned all the threads/connections up and low n behold Ive had no issues for the past few hrs? Now Imn sure this will change as my invader is possessed One can only hope I figured out the issue with it
  8. I gotta try this I love custard
  9. Im trying too Next weekend if I dont go Tuna fishing Im gonna make some beef jerky
  10. Question the top cap that the tank screws into does that act as some kinda ground?
  11. Started early today Pulled pork for Jenns friend Brisket for us
  12. I received my Aspire Triton from Gearbest the other day (won it in a contest here) When I looked at the tank I was really impressed with it it seems/feels very well made. This if my first top fill tank and didnt know what to expect from it, So I took it apart as best I could cleaned/wiped it down and found it really clean no machine oil on threads etc............ Well on to the vaping I used the .4 coil it came with @30W primed/let it sit a bit loaded with Hydra Bones after the first few vaps it really came alive the flavor/vapor were both awesome and that tank full didnt last long Second tank was a ButterScotch Carmel blend Im hooked on and once again both flavor/vape were awesome. Through out the first day I ran 4 tanks full of juice thru it I was really enjoying it and playing around trying to fog out the shop lol, At one point the kid says I looked like a Dragon walking around lol. Im on my 6th tank now and can say The only issue I have had (periodically) was a bit of spatter when taking a hit (could be my juices could be me I dunno) All in all Im very happy with it and its now in my Daily rotation. PROS, 1,Top Fill (Im diggin this) no juice all over me when filling lol 2,Great Flavor/Vape 3,Tank does not got too hot when chain vaping (at least not for me) CONS, 1,The bit of spatter ( once again its more than likely user error the user not too bright) 2,Cant fully dissemble tank for cleaning. Once again Thank You Gearbest
  13. What ever ones you get get a couple and keep them with you dont rely one just having one battery to last you the day. Sub Ohming in my subox mini I can easily go thru 2 batts in a 15hr day
  14. I been whacking in on concrete that seems to help get it back to normal for a little while
  15. I give up on my original invader this thing is possessed Its not even reading nickle coils now
  16. On 2nd tank so far today so far so good It makes some nice clouds but the tank starts getting hot if I chain vape it
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