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Everything posted by cany

  1. Spares/backups are a must Theres also an Istick 40 that has temp control if you wanna venture down that road I must say its a road you might not wanna ever return from BRB Tams about too Me
  2. I use my Istick 50w daily granted I dont own 20 like Tam but the one I own has worked flawless for me
  3. So far so good the invisable glass cleaner/micro fiber cloth seemed to clean the back window and half the windshield of my truck no foggin over this Am/last night
  4. Just tried using Invisable Glass (foam cleaner) with a micro fiber cloth so far it looks like It worked Ill know better on the way home I did half the windshield as a test
  5. Good Evening Everyone............... enjoying a big Vodka/cran and hittin the bones
  6. Just tried another tip in my subtank mini it was a bit snug but it went in
  7. LOL............Mine drop as well Im using the stock ni-occ coils now
  8. Phewww thought my new invader was possessed too If I hit new coil (even though its the same one) the ohms jump up and I get a hotter vape even though its the same coil thats been in it
  9. When you guys shut yours off does it ask new/same coil everytime?
  10. Today I learned that the foggy look on the inside of my truck windows that has been driving me crazy for months is caused by VG
  11. Me too I dont know why I didnt get the first one in blue.................... Theres some out there with all new weird colors saw a Blue Camo one https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-GyqzqLg7Lo8/VbmY1M4g7gI/AAAAAAAAA5o/kUYTLpfoU5I/w700-h700/Invader%2Bmini%2B3.jpg
  12. And I thought a Pretzel with Mustard vape was weird LOL
  13. Sounds normal Sounds normal weird you have a link to ecf in your post
  14. Way too go Jason Any pics of that bad boy
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