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Everything posted by cany

  1. Started at 2.30 Am when I was woken up by my wife screaming by the time I fought my sleepy azz out of the nice warm bed I stumbled into the start of a flood Damm line under the sink decided it was time to blow...... After that the rest of my day was all down hill
  2. LOL It sure looks like your pushing it
  3. Make sure thereis only 1 oring on the coil they are almost clear and known to get stuck its possible you have 2 orings there
  4. Vic I got my starter kit from Comp here I knew nothing about DIY and hes been a huge help Tomorrow Im gonna start on my first mix
  5. Invader mini for a Mod its built like a brick **** house I love mine
  6. That part is spring loaded can you grab it and wiggle it with a small pair of pliers?
  7. LOL Tam I have no idea how it got that big
  8. I just ordered my DIY kit from Compenstine It was a special order heres the link. http://www.fadoravapor.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=88_91&products_id=240
  9. Guess Ill be going thru all of this soon
  10. Roast Beef on the Grill Rotisserie style
  11. Oh damm I never took it that far apart
  12. One of the top screws tightens the insulated post on the mini And that damm ball bearing got me a few times lol
  13. Wife made Chili last weekend in the slow cooker I like to grill up a London Broil and dice it up and add it too the chili
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