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Everything posted by cany

  1. Just visited Lightning vapes they now require an ID form to be filled out with a copy of my drivers license to be uploaded to the form. Im not really sure Im comfortable handing out a copy of my DL
  2. I cant sub ohm high nic anything above 4-6 nic Im done. When I need my nic fix I go back to a nautilis mini or a Kanger protank2 get my nic Fix then back to sub ohming. I run my TC about .10 and I cant handle high NIC there either
  3. Taste it up............If its good now It will only get better If you both like all the flavors that are in it you cant go wrong . It might not be exact as to what your use too but trial & error you will get it Best part of DIY
  4. Cherry Almond sounds good...... Champagne Hmmmmm never thought of that one Ill be making 400ml of my Banana cream pie as soon as my pie crust gets here I forgot too order it last time
  5. If you like the flavors your mixing you cant go wrong with the end result at least thats how I look at it
  6. I have learned everything I know from the peeps here If it wadnt for them I wouldnt be where I am today. Finding Vapor talk was the best thing vaping wise I ever did
  7. I hear ya for $28 you cant beat it I like DIY for the freedom it gives me to make/try anything I want
  8. I make my favorite juice 400ml at a time prolly cost me about $10
  9. Vapenw is my go too on hardware DIY for juice
  10. Johnson Seeks Answers from FDA on Burdensome E-Cigarette Regulations
  11. So If I dont pull a Jason and stand it up it should be ok?
  12. Ok how to store mixed batches Maybe Ill just bug you in chat about this lol
  13. I jumped in head first DIY Comp helped me through it all Im very happy making my own juice thanks too him What about mixed batches
  14. Comp how long will VG/PG/FLAVORS last left alone and not mixed. And how long will mixed juices last?
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