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Everything posted by cany

  1. I got the 70W because it had a built in batt
  2. Thanks Christopher I wish I would of know this before, you did have something that I got from them
  3. Sweet vapes done good this time I got all my mods today
  4. Damm I wish I knew this sooner
  5. MY first purchase an Invader Mini They sold me V1 when V2 was out when my V1 dint work right ans I questioned them as to why they sold me V1 when V2 was out I got no answer. If they screw up now I will bash them all over the net
  6. Thanks Tam I get the strange feeling I will be doing Battle with them again
  7. Went against my better judgement and ordered a few mods fro them hated to do it but they had one mod I wanted. If they screw me again Ill let peeps know all over the net
  8. Just ordered an Invader mini(my third)Kanger Kbox 70 W TC and a KangerSubox mini kit
  9. Picked up a Gal of VG Now I have 2/12 gal in stock
  10. My latest Vanilla custard/Bavarian cream mix
  11. Im not gonna wait gotta try it soon lol if I like it gonna make 500 ml lol
  12. Just whipped up 30ml
  13. cany


    Welcome Aboard
  14. Any steep time on this
  15. I tried a straight back cherry once YEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Never again
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