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Everything posted by cany

  1. Last time I chatted with him on skype was July10 I message him when I see him on but no replys
  2. Damm you got quite the stash I thought I was bad LOL
  3. I cant find the baby beast on V/T
  4. I do have a spare rx200 Really want a blue/black one @Christopher
  5. Thanks guys Im diggin this tank looks like Im gonna need a new mod dedicated too it
  6. I love Werthers BTW you sent me wrong juice
  7. love my Subtank minis use them all day long Herakles Plus Is also a bas *** tank. I run an invader mine with a subtank mini in TC all day long with teh RBA deck
  8. Glad I started this Thread It seems to have put a Fire under Christopher's *** to get the V/T store back on track
  9. Got it @90w liking it so far:)
  10. Juice inst a problem for me I mix 480ml at a time
  11. The v8 coil is rated 260W?
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