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Everything posted by cany

  1. In TC start around 450 for the temp 24W work your way up on both until you find your sweet spot
  2. Im sure you will and BTW Fek the NFL and their players who disrespect this country
  3. Thanks let us know what others tell you to think about it
  4. Then why are you bothering posting about it? We already know about the small Airflow holes
  5. Ten I guess its not for you As for Me Im gonna get one I like the coil idea
  6. Yeah lol its kind of a small tank to chain vape with but I dolke the coil idea to Me it loks like they wont go bad just need to rewick
  7. Just watched a Vid on it I like the rewickable coils @Christopher any chance of getting these in the store??
  8. Its ok Tam we all derail posts from time too time No need for you to fee spec ail on this one
  9. Ok you took a shot in the dark AKA guessed
  10. Ummm so you took a shot in the dark ??
  11. One thing I have noticed if my coil gets "Gunked up" I will get a lot of splatter
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