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Everything posted by cany

  1. Thank you Im waiting on another tank apparently I melted the insulator in mine messing with clapton wire lol I never even got too vape it
  2. How many wraps would that be considered
  3. Of all the mods/diff tanks I own My subtank mini with a 1,0 NI build it gives the best flavor out of all of them Not too mention no dry hits
  4. I can barely fit one 5 wrap I would never think of trying a dual build
  5. I usually just ask someone how many wraps for what buikd Im looking for Me and that calculator dont get along lol
  6. I have but I wanna try building them
  7. Well it looks Like the Clapton wire I got was TC wire lol I didnt know that
  8. Well it seems Ive melted some kind of washer under neath the post on the deck Ive ruined this tank ever before I got too use it Damm clapton coils lol
  9. Dont think I will lol and I saw your post It was kinda what I expected I think I might too I dunno why I try new things I love my simple build in me subtank mini in TC
  10. My problem Is I have no clue how too use them
  11. I give up 8 wraps of clapton dont even fit when I assemble the tank
  12. Can anyone reccomend a clapton build on the Herakles rta 2 Buddy told me 8 wraps eack would be .47 but its coming out .20
  13. Well I thought I got it it says its installed on my phone but its not here lol
  14. Thanks Im looking to get around .50
  15. I just cant get a grasp on these Calculators
  16. I checked that out It confuses me lol And no clappton wire I picked up SS316L clapton wire from her VT store no clue what to do with it lol Im waiting for my Herakles TRA-2 to get here from VT I wanna try to do some builds with it Just got it thanks
  17. Any good coil calculators out there for it Ive tried steam engine for Kanth but it totally confuses me
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