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Everything posted by cany

  1. The gillie is the new one you just got?
  2. I mix all my mixes about 80%VG and I have no issues running it thru my sub tank mini or any of the other tanks I use
  3. Im not sure what I like better this or your Avatar
  4. I also need to fix this double posting ordeal (note the double posts above lol) Yeah
  5. I have popcorn flavor and movie theater butter I need a mix The last one I whipped up didnt come out all that good I have popcorn flavor and movie theater butter I need a mix The last one I whipped up didnt come out all that good
  6. Anyone have a good mix for it?
  7. The batts go dead after two tanks? s the tank a juice hog? What do you mean by turning tank over?
  8. Why you have given it out too other vendors
  9. Mee too Thanks for the link @Christopher now if only VT could get the decks in stock Id be set
  10. Ahhhh the old double oring I forgot about that Its got me more than once
  11. I canceled an order last week because they wanted a pic of my drivers license
  12. Thanks sent them an email
  13. I cant seem too find a website for Herakles
  14. Just looked didnt see it
  15. I think that coil can run up too 60W have you tried it higher than 35?
  16. @Edna Im gonna look and now Thanks for reminding me If I cant find it im just gonna get another deck for it
  17. Use it in Watt mode not TC try around 30W
  18. Is it a TC coil I didnt think the occ coils went that low in TC
  19. Havent had one since the eary 80'S use to light up my back velvet posters
  20. Nice I cant seem to get a good cloud selfie lol
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