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Everything posted by cany

  1. cany


    Its a fun hobby and a much better one than cigs
  2. cany


    Welcome aboard Walt
  3. I like butterscotch Straight up I also mix it with caramel/hazelnut
  4. Herekles Plus will leak while sitting Its a good tank but that annoys me about it As suggested check the 510 to make sure its not covered in juice
  5. I gotta see a pic of hr collection of gear lol she must have a ton
  6. Ok tonight on way home I used a plain microcloth to clean the windshield and drivers side window It seemed to work better than using a spray cleaner with it
  7. @Bebop I havent had any nic in my mixes for a while now
  8. I been havine one of those days for a while lol hence the need for nic
  9. Hope the nic aint gonna choke me sub ohming lol
  10. Thanks I dont wanna add the NIC but I think Im gonna have too I stopped adding it because of the flavor loss Maybe Ill give 50m a shot 4ml to 50ml should be ok??
  11. I usually mix my mixes @ 80/20 (76-24) I make them 500 ml at a time with 0 NIC I have 24base nic Can I add the NIC to a 50ML bottle after its been mixed? I wasnt 2 NIC in the 50ml Does this amke any sense??
  12. Jeesh @smacksy all I aid was a pink tank would go good with that white Mod Theres lots of peeps here not worried about rocking a White/Pink setup
  13. @smacksy there ya go purple might go well with that mod too
  14. Nice @Adversarious1 See @smacksy you can do it a pink tank would go nice on your white mod
  15. I run my TC @28W 500 temp in a subtank mini with a .10 built coil It gets decent clouds
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