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Everything posted by cany

  1. Got 4 now my first two I wore the fire buttons out gotta push them a bit harder to0 fire but I love them
  2. First thing I would check is the settings if you didnt have it locked its possible you changed them not knowing it
  3. I thought it was just me lol My Herakles Plus does not give as good of flavor as my subtank Mini
  4. No need to run away like a kid who got his ball taken away We all adults here
  5. My bad was just giving you different options for bigger clouds
  6. Nice maybe try the Herakles RTA-2 for some better clouds
  7. @smacksy Try the Cloud beast for some good clouds
  8. What VG/PG ratio were you using when you bought your juice? Did you like that ratio? If so I would start there
  9. You can also pick up syringes at your local surgical supply store
  10. @Edna I use this Im not sure about it with apple https://e-liquid-recipes.com/
  11. Thanks @jasonculp Ive made a few 480ml mixes I just dont remember using that much flavor lol
  12. I m making 480 Ml one flavor 76 vg/24 PG (not really using PG) its in the flavor ne flavor 24% its teling me 115ML for flavor Is this right It doesent seem right to me
  13. I do the same thing I hardly ever change coils for a different flavor I vape mostly the same type of flavors so it doesent really effect the flavor of the new juice
  14. If you change juice and the flavor comes back Im gonna say its vapor tongue. Are you changing tanks coils? when you switch to a new juice?
  15. The coil should have a recommend range setting. That will give you a place to start everyone's preferred setting is different Start low and work your way up until you find your sweet spot
  16. @edna I thought the same thing about more batts lasting longer but with my rx it doesent apply lol Its a great mod but I hardly use it because it eats batts so fast
  17. Im not sure about the batt size but I do know on my rx200 3 batt version I can go thru 3 batts in about 4-6 hrs it seems to like to use up batts
  18. cany


    VG will give you bigger clouds PG will give you more flavor/less clouds Have you tried turning down the airflow adjustment on your pico??
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