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    Dry Fly fishing for trout

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  1. Here in the UK vaping is getting bigger by the minute in the last 4 months in our town we have gone from zero ecig shops to 5 and the supermarkets have started with them as well. I get asked regularly about it when people see me using my gear and they want to know sometimes in great detail about different tanks and mods. I enjoy talking to people about the experiences of vaping and tell them not to go over the top buying expensive gear at first. My advice is to tell them to get a basic ego kit and start from there and it wont cost them more than 5 packs of cigarettes - and you still have the gear after the cigs would have been 'consumed'. It is one of the best things I have ever done and the money saved is unbelievable and my health is much better as well. Four of my friends have stopped smoking in the last month and we are 'working' on another two just now. This forum is really good for help and information and has helped me a great deal and I thank everyone on it for the time and patience they have shown.
  2. Well here's hoping you have better luck than me.
  3. Yes I guess so - it is still the best tank but the coils can be inconsistant some lasting two weeks others only about 8 days. The K1 which is my other tank has the same kind of BVC coil but a smaller edition - I have the same problem with that as well - both tanks are worth the problem though - great taste at low power.
  4. Even when you know about it the problem remains - it is a hard one to solve - I have tried just holding the base to put it on the mod but still have problems.
  5. Hi Cany - I think the problem is the same threading direction as when you fit the tank onto the mod and you then tighten it even more.
  6. I have never had a leak on my Nautilus mini since I started to use it - it is a great tank - the only problem I have is taking the base off to fill it - sometimes it is really tight even although I only finger tighten when putting it together again.
  7. The Istick 20W is perfect for the nautlus mini - it looks like it was made for it - it is a really good battery with a good lifespan - I get 3 days of average vaping from mine. I run it at 4.1 volts (8.8W) - the taste is really good and a reasonable amount of vapour also. I run a K1 on it as well at 3.3V (6.8W) - really good too. I like the Istick as it gives you the volt reading and the Watts on the same screen - really handy if transferring to a different tank and it saves you working it out. I run all my stuff on as low volts as possible as you get more taste then.
  8. I also got a Iclear tank with my MVP - I had to go and lie down after 10 minutes - I was exhausted trying to draw on it - I also found that the taste was synthetic and with it being a top feeder you have to shuggle it about to get the liquid onto the wick. I will stick to my mini nautilus and my K1 for now.
  9. No thanks - I like to complain about it - I do go to California quite a lot - up in the mountains fishing - magic.
  10. Our wonderful Scottish government want to ban ecigs being used anywhere within hospital grounds and therefore classed the same as cigarettes - at the moment they cannot be used indoors anywhere in Scotland.
  11. How about the new and beautiful Itaste VV4 - it's a WOW. It functions from 3volts for good taste on a Aspire K1 or 4.1 volts for the mini Nautilus - most batteries start at 3.3 volts. The VV4 also shows the resistance and battery level on the one screen.
  12. I only use tobacco flavours - my favourite mix is roughly 20% Turkish, 30% Virginia and 50% RY4 - gives a good rounded flavour with a bit of a Kick from the Turkish.
  13. Great explanation - thanks again.
  14. Thanks Tam - I did not know about the setting thing - I thought you could set the volts and the wattage to any setting that shows on the screen - quite new to the variable settings thing I have a K1 tank at present - I will try with that as well.
  15. Hi all you Nautilus Mini users out there - I am about to buy one - I think - I know everyone's taste is different but I am wondering about volt and wattage settings - more for taste than vapour - I would be using 50/50 juice - tobacco flavours only. Any info. advice or comments would be welcome - I use a Innokin MVP by the way.
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