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  1. From someone that regularly get drug tested, bi-weekly, that is not an issue. I am also open about my surroundings and have literally asked the tester myself about multiple scenarios.
  2. Never heard of a restriction before. To be fair never heard of colored vapor before, kinda sounds dangerous lol
  3. This is actually pretty easy to fix. Your main problem is your firing .14 on istick 40 tc and the lowest allowed is .15. Its firing on the RX because it allows for that low of a resistance. My suggestions is to first unlock the resistance setting of istick. Screw the base of Nautilus into iStick with coil. From there use a small screwdriver to mess with the coil. Try to fire (AFTER) youve removed screwdriver. You just need to knock that coil up .01 for it to fire. From there lock the resistance back and you should be good to go.
  4. The trend is usually the higher the better but its really what you like. Like i tend to float anywhere between 50-60 watts on the mod's that i use. As far as a number 2 coil you would have to explain to me what that is. Most times you hear someone mention a coil they will refer to the Ohms like 1.0, 1.5, 0.15 it can be all over the place.
  5. I believe Pico Kit goes to 75 watts, if that's the one you'r referring to. It's more or less a preference thing. If 35 watts is not then turn it up or vice versa.
  6. I use SS in wattage mode 90% of the time its completely safe, NI is dangerous in wattage. The only issue you could have is Stainless will be super low ohms so you'd have to see how low that istick will fire. Most SS coils usually are around 0.15-0.50 for premades from what ive seen.
  7. I agree with you on the Darkhorse Tip. Out of the 30+ Rda's i have the Darkhorse hands down is still my favorite and most used.
  8. Personally i don't care who it is i sure would not give out my SS#. Even if you gave it to them what would that do? There are way to many sites out there to be okay with that nonsense.
  9. I usually set to 40 watts around 450-480. Uncle junks is usually pretty strong flavored stuff so it could be a bad batch. My wife likes the stuff but most of it for me seems to sweet or perfume like. It is possible it could just be dud sadly. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  10. I believe trigger mod makes a full ceramic kit. The real niche from what i understand is coils last virtually forever, you just replace cotton. From videos ive watched they say the hit is a little weak but the flavor is supposed to be terrific. It looks very promising but imo it's just gotta a little ways to go.
  11. Personally my favorite is Uwell Crown for when im lazy hehe grab and go. Building wise i prefer griffin. The rx200 also does a really good job with the temp control also. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  12. Personally the rx200 with some LG HG2'S or the chocolate color lg's. I vape at about 60 watts and 30mls a day. It will last me from early morning to late night. Rx price is great and running on 3 battery's should get you through the day. Sent from my SM-G935T using Tapatalk
  13. The TVF4 breaks 100watts easy on factory coils. The problem is you'll spend more time filling the tank then vaping it. Also get some oven mitts because that thing will get hot quick.
  14. I have 2 goblins and they work good. Decent air flow, no leaking. The only cons I personally have are 1) the deck is small to build on 2) after about 50+ watts its to hot to use. I like to vape around 80-100 and feel like the goblin would get air born like a rocket at that wattage. Depending on your taste and what you vape at its still a very good rta.
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