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Everything posted by LeeC22
Thats cool Adversarious1. I am finding the same thing as I go the lung hits are getting much better and satisfiying. The Istick 50w paired with a Nautilis tank has made a big difference for me too.(Thanks Tam and Earthling789) I have been using the Istick for three days and the batt is still over half...awesome. I have found that 30/70 pg/vg is the best mix for me and by adding a few drops of Fadora Blend Extra Strong (tobacco) to my favorite flavors also helps me keep from coughing. Psychosomatic? Maybe but it works.
Well I did everything you all suggested and I am now smoke free 7 days. I have not been able to use anything over 12mg nic but its working. I did spend a week or more weaning off the smokes while vaping the low nic juice. Its still a struggle at times and sometimes I still use the pulse method EverPresentNoob described. But hey Im very happy to be off the stink. FYI the last one tasted like dirt anyway! Thanks to everyone.
I 2nd Fadora. U can create your own flavor here as well. Any mix any nic level. And get it from a great guy. Compenstine! I just placed my 3rd order with him and the service cannot be beat.
Congrats Dude, Today marks my first day. Its all the successful people like you that give the rest of us hope.
Hey Noob thanks for this tip. This is working more than anything else I have tried. I just used your method on some 12mg juice and wow I didnt hack it out. Very cool man. I been tring smaller hits and lower volts etc..etc.. but no matter what... I have not been able to get in. I tried for so long that my throat was swelling and I was very close to giving up on this myself. I dont quit easy either. This is why I been somking for 30yrs LOL. Cant thank you enough. So simple.
Yeah and I thought this was gonna be simple. Boy was I mistaken. Just for kicks I put my nautilis on my evod and it did make a difference. Guess its not as simple as power on/off. Its all good though I like to tinker.
Comp. Thanks you have gone the extra mile at every turn. Its clear why you are so well respected here. Thank you. Tam, I will look into other sources. You are always helpful. Thanks. Johnny, It has been suggested and I have tried all the settings. I find lower voltage helps and more air is worse. Thanks for the reply. Mirage, I have also found I can handle a little more power after I been in the garage with Mr, Bacardi fer a while. I am down to 4-5 analogs a day from 20...so thats huge. Thanks everyone who replied.
Thanks Fishguy, I will get there just taking longer than I would like. Well I am willing to try another battery. But I did let the guy at the B&M try my evod and he said it was very weak no burnt taste. I have cleaned tanks and tried new coils too. But again I am willing to try anyway. I dont like the MVP (too bulky for me). I will check the B&M for the spinner tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.
Yes it is the throat hit its making me cough it right out. I have tried several brands and ratios including Fandora 50/50 in several flavors. The best I have found for me is a 30/70 but even that only works with low nic levels. I don't know why I am so sensitive to the vapor but its really pissin me off cause I like the flavor and I want to quit the analogs. I have a couple hundred invested in juice already so I dont know what else I could possibly try. But thanks for the reply. I have an evod and an Istick Mini with a natulis tank. Makes no difference. Thanks for the reply. I did try the patch before. I did not like the irritation to skin. But I am gonna quit. I guess 6mg is better than cold turkey.
Well after trying all kinds of juices and ratios I have found that I cant do any kind of juice over 6mg nic. This is a problem because Im still smoking. I have been able to reduce my smoking by half but Im not sure if I can quit entirely on 6mg. For some stupid reason I am able to tolerate higher levels directly after an analog. I have ordered a bunch of 0nic juice from Fandora to salvage the 12mg juice I have now. I am hoping that I will be able to increase the nic as I get used to the vape but not sure if thats gonna happen at this point. Anyone ever use the patch whlie vaping? Any suggestions?
Yeah I seem to get the order wrong, its supposed to be 70vg/30pg 8mg (according to the guy at my B&M). Its called lonestar by longhorn and so far its the only juice I can stand. Ive tried several 12mg juices @ 50/50 and its awful (Choke). But the guys at the B&M have used my unit and say its weak. WTF..... I have some juice comming from Fandora I hope I can use it.
I am choking on 70/30 8mg I couldn't hack the 12mg 50/50. I don't know whats wrong but your making me feel like wusse Tam. 24mg really? And yeah ive been on em over 30yrs too.
Thanks jeanrose770 I have been trying some higher vg juices and lower nic levels. It does help but I'm afraid that the lower nic level will not help me quit the analogs as well as a higher nic juice. I think my lungs are starting to adjust to the vape maybe thats all it is. only had 3 analogs today
He has gone beyond the call. I can say exceptional service so far. Thanks Compenstine
Cig's.. I havent seen a hookah in a lotta years LOL I have only tried RY4, endless summer, sucker punch and Lone Star
Okay Comp thanks for the reply. Do you have a flavor similar to the bourbon nut and vannila Lone Star. I would like to buy a sample pack of some good ones so I can find an ADV for myself.
I got my evod from Apollo on Wednesday and all was good until I filled with the RY4 that I opted to get with the package. It was very harsh making me cough like it was a hookah. LOL ... So I take it to the local B&M for help. After some testing he has me on this 70-30 mix with 8mg nic. It keeps me from gagin but I am concerned that the nic level is to low for a pack a day guy. Also the only flavor I can stand so far is Lone Star by Longhorn. Very dissapointed after spending $60 on liquid! Would a better unit take the harsh out or do I just need to adjust to vapor? Is the PG-VG ratio really helping take the harsh out as my local guy is saying. Im A Marlboro Red Guy, Seems like the vape should be weak but not here. Both clearo and nautilis tanks same result.
Im sure you are right. Ty Hope you are right too. Ty Great news. TY Hey thanks for to all who gave there time and advice. Much Appreciated. Now I will wait for delivery and get back to you all when I have some time to try it out.
Thanks for the advice guys. My order has shipped today so I hope the product works for me. I stopped by the vape shop near my work and tried some devices. I would have done that first if I knew it was there! I am now concerned if this is gonna work for me. I found the vape harsh and lacking flavor. I can only hope that I will be able to tweak to get an acceptable vape experience.
Thanks for the clarification. With this forum I will be better informed for the next purchase.
Wow that was the quickest reply ever! Thank you. I will probably hold out for the Istick. My kit did come with two batts so hopefully they will get me through the day until I decide on the best upgrade. Having charged batts on hand does sound like a good idea. Thanks again for the advice.
Thanks for the feedback Tam. A couple of questions. If I did buy the spinner battery would it work with the clearomizers and coils from Apollo? I did also spring for a nautlus tank with airflow adjustment. Also would you recommend the Istick in 30w?
Hi everyone. I ordered my first starter kit from Apollo yesterday. Anyone have experience with this line. it gets good pro reviews but haven't found many user reviews. I ordered the Endeavor kit. http://www.apolloecigs.com/Apollo-Endeavor-kit-p/endeavor-kit.htm I could cancel the order and get the Istick 30w that so many seem to prefer. What do you think? Long time pack a day smoker here. Need good unit that will last a 10hr work day.
Hi guys n gals. My name is Lee, I have been a pack a day smoker for 30+ years. I am excited to kick the stink and start vaping. I have been researching for a couple days and ordered an Appolo Endeavor starter kit. Mostly because of being overwhelmed with all the options and opinions to each set up. I hope I have not made a bad choice. I joined here because you guys seem more friendly than some other sites. I will be looking to get some good advice from some of you experts! Thanks for all the info you have already provided!