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Everything posted by koondawg

  1. Well I recieved my tornado yesterday and I have pretty much been using it none stop since opening it. I think I smoke on this about double what i Was. I hope I dont kill it right away. I was wodering about how long an atty lasts? I probably should have a few more on there way, don't you think. I have not tried the cartomizers yet. My father had a bad one first thing, so that kind of gave him a bad start. I gave him and atty and tip so he could try that. He just ordered the 10 carts for the ease of use. Is that common to have a dud every now and then? I tried it in my tornado and it did the same thing no vapor and spit the liquid in my mouth (yuk). The tornado pcc is pretty sweet but I wish it had a usb to wall adapter. My dads hello 016 kit is the same. No wall just USB. Other than that I'm extremely happy. I live in a small town so I think I'm a pioneer to vaping here. Everyone gives me looks like i'm doin something illegal. I just laugh ( i look pretty rough normally, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.) thanks again
  2. Thanks for everyones help. I went with the tornado kit, also got a pcc, drip tip, and cartomizers. My dad went with the hello 016 carto kit, and 5 extra carts. we also got 100ml of e liquid I think Marl 24mg. Again thanks for the help. I post up some feedback when we recieve them.
  3. Ha ha, thanks Brian. Sad thing is is I bought the house next door and he has a key.
  4. Well I think I have made up my mind to go with the titan tornado for me and my dad says the blu for himself. My qustions now is everyone says get the 900mah battery but totally wicked and janty and joye all say 680mah? The titan tornado mega is 1000mah. Do i need it? Or any of the mega stuff for that matter (atomizer and carts). Also the tornado comes with 10 pre filled carts, I was gonna order 5 more prefilled. I can refill these right? The PCC comes with 10ml of e liquid thats why i'm asking. Also a car charger. Do i have everything covered. I work on the railroad and cant really just charge a battery that easy, so thats why I was thinkin the PCC. My dad wants the blu for the simplicity and the pcc, also the carts are 25 to a pack and he will probably pitch them as the run out. He really doesnt want to refilling anything. Thanks again for the help this site has been awesome.
  5. Thanks for the replies so far. I'm still reading as much as I can, What about the totally wicked titan tornado? Also not much on flavor just good old hard core cheap cigarette taste.
  6. I've smoked for 15 yrs and my father for 40, We both quit for one year and after a drunken night recently started again. I am wondering what can I buy that gives me the battery life of a 1-2 pack a day smoker with ease of use ( Old man has no patience) changing cartridges or what not. And Has the most realistic draw and smoke of a full flavored cigarette? I don’t really need it to look real but not to out there either. More worried about it lasting all day and performing pretty close to the real thing. Also easy to use. Were are just some simple hillbilly’s that want to be a little healthier. I would greatly appreciate any help. I've been looking for quite a while but there are just to many choices. Thanks again in advance.
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