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Everything posted by lintz69

  1. I remember years ago, when it was chinese new years, priced would go up and out of stock lol.
  2. I always get confused with trying to get the voltage and wattage right. Need to find the right settings and the right juice.
  3. I am new to this forum, but am loving the conversations and topics so far.
  4. I haven't been able to completely able to quit. I use both, but I have my firstborn on the way so I am trying harder.
  5. I know it's rough, and my condolences, but you have to keep fightring. It's like alcoholics, you never really quit, you are just one more day free.
  6. Alrighty then.
  7. I don't think Ecigs will hurt your teeth. I think its the tar in the tobacco that makes your teeth yellow.
  8. That is really awesome. HUGE congratulations.
  9. Initial taste for me came back after 2-3 weeks. But as time passes it just gets better.
  10. I have the Aspire Natilus, and while I like the size and feel of it, the clearomizer tasted great at first but now I can't get any good flavor from it.
  11. Volcano Ecigs are nice. They have vv/vw pen styles and are reasonably priced. ECCR is going to be reviewing them when they send a sample, but in the mean time I've heard good things.
  12. I just got a vv VW box mod. 2600mah and it also charges other usb devices. Pretty cool. Now I just need a better atomizer and find out best voltage and wattage. Goes to 20 watts, but the only atomizer I have is a Nautilus Aspire that just has a bad taste since I used crappy liquid.
  13. Just got a nautilus from Atlantic Cigs. Decent vapor, great flavor, but it's automatic. I wish it was manual. Plus the connection is different then all others, not a screw on so compatibility is a bit of a downside in my opinion. But since it vapes so well, I guess the pros outway the cons.
  14. You have to be careful with different ecigs. Some are better than the others. Read reviews, and try a different setup.
  15. Whenever someone says to me that it's used in antifreeze I say so is water. Should I stop drinking? lol.
  16. I'm not an electronics expert, but doesn't the voltage and wattage actually control the temperature? And also with temperature control, how do you take into effect the thoughts of the fluid. For example the viscosity of one fluid is different from the other thus needing to be burnt hotter.
  17. I don't know, there was a patent by gilbert herbert that was for an ecig device. If he was to hold on to his rights, his may be the key. But that was in the 50s or 60s that he had the original patent done. Not sure how long patents stay active for.
  18. It appears there is a an ecig out there that could help with the FDA. It's called the Predicate and whoever owns it, could hold our future of vaping. Here is the link from ECCR tell me what you all think. http://www.electroniccigaretteconsumerreviews.com/predicate-product-exists-altria-in-negotiations-to-acquire/
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