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  1. I remember years ago, when it was chinese new years, priced would go up and out of stock lol.
  2. I always get confused with trying to get the voltage and wattage right. Need to find the right settings and the right juice.
  3. I am new to this forum, but am loving the conversations and topics so far.
  4. I haven't been able to completely able to quit. I use both, but I have my firstborn on the way so I am trying harder.
  5. I know it's rough, and my condolences, but you have to keep fightring. It's like alcoholics, you never really quit, you are just one more day free.
  6. Alrighty then.
  7. I don't think Ecigs will hurt your teeth. I think its the tar in the tobacco that makes your teeth yellow.
  8. That is really awesome. HUGE congratulations.
  9. Initial taste for me came back after 2-3 weeks. But as time passes it just gets better.
  10. I have the Aspire Natilus, and while I like the size and feel of it, the clearomizer tasted great at first but now I can't get any good flavor from it.
  11. Volcano Ecigs are nice. They have vv/vw pen styles and are reasonably priced. ECCR is going to be reviewing them when they send a sample, but in the mean time I've heard good things.
  12. I just got a vv VW box mod. 2600mah and it also charges other usb devices. Pretty cool. Now I just need a better atomizer and find out best voltage and wattage. Goes to 20 watts, but the only atomizer I have is a Nautilus Aspire that just has a bad taste since I used crappy liquid.
  13. Just got a nautilus from Atlantic Cigs. Decent vapor, great flavor, but it's automatic. I wish it was manual. Plus the connection is different then all others, not a screw on so compatibility is a bit of a downside in my opinion. But since it vapes so well, I guess the pros outway the cons.
  14. You have to be careful with different ecigs. Some are better than the others. Read reviews, and try a different setup.
  15. Whenever someone says to me that it's used in antifreeze I say so is water. Should I stop drinking? lol.
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