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Everything posted by eCloudMaker

  1. sorry - not here to tease or spill the hooch taking this to private msg XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
  2. wait.... you picked that image? I spotted something yesterday with the way Google is getting reference images from this website if you picked that image... I might need to help you guys make a small change to preserve your ""Branding"" I know I'm confusing this .... just need to know one thing did you pick that image from your profile section? [nothing is broken - just a silly thing computers do while they are trying to help you (us customers)]
  3. TAM....... I have just discovered that "your icon" is forum stock now, I've only known you a short while..... but I just don't see anything stock about you so................. I took some liberty and found you a new icon - I hope you like it - had to settle for flowers - there is that 18+ rule http://www.poshlittletutus.com/m/thumbs/images/large/bloomingballerinabluetutudress.jpg
  4. ROFL..... got to appreciate demented friends
  5. I caught myself taking to my MOD today. .... guess it is time to name HER 1st thought = "Twiggy"
  6. [snapshot] ... gave away my first yucky bottle of juice yesterday - some would say keep it - it was so bad (to me) I would never want to wash it out of the tank again - heck I even tossed the coil
  7. [lesson learned] look for sample packs - usually 3 to 5 bottles per set - some companies are way kewl and let you make your own choices and nic level other packs are fixed level nic and grouped by family type (juice, tobacco, desert)
  8. thanks but nope - I'm not a kid anymore ---- I need to start thinking self defense --- don't run that fast either I'd get the 410 derringer model... but you guys know where that would lead to (with me) ...... not pretty we're not sure where his head went ... one minute he was vaping and then suddenly 'bang'
  9. luv the house - but do you see the ghost in the upstairs window?
  10. [idea] If I get two Vamo's .... all I will need is a foot long piece of chain and duct tape .... numb chucks WAIT! the VAMO 9 has belt clips to hook the chains (and flashlight option too) still can't find a model with 'jumper cables'
  11. hooker? ... are you holding together your stereo with duck tape? just teasing ..... in this house a 'duct taped item' has more value than new - I tell everyone it has more character now ... and I have actual proof ----- that I do my part to save the planet and recycle items
  12. hey gang - what about amps? oops .. read thread too fast - Earthling addressed it and thank you sir [side note] been recharging AA's for years - have bought good batteries and really bad batteries along the way. Sony makes a solid and dependable battery
  13. wow thanks guys - pretty sure you saved me some money and grief I wanted to go mini or mini2, but still hurting from the initial start-up -- used up more 3 times my monthly 'smoke budget' .... and I will need to buy a charger this round and batteries MOD would make life more productive and insure a bit more withdraw safety. So big cloud has to bring home a device for around $30 [note to self] always listen and respect advice about battery safety from a lady..... colored purple and her hair is still smoking I'm thinking there is going to be more kewl stuff coming out in the spring - right Danny?
  14. I have finally decided to get a removable battery type MOD for desk and backup. I have been recharging AA's and AAA's for several years now. Heck, I even have clam shells to covert to my AAs to C's and D's. I have no clue about these mod batteries. Lets start with the easy part. this is what the device will use: Can be powered by 1*18650 or 1*18350 or 2*18350 batteries is there a better battery choice within these options? then I have heard mention: Button top, flat top, batteries too fat, and of course exploding batteries I'm pretty sure I don't want the exploding ones, ----- no clue other than as for the battery charger - you guys have already helped me there I have also noticed AMP options for batteries - can you have too many AMPs? 35 AMPs sounded good to me thanks figure I will need at least 35 amps to jump start cars in the winter [snicker]
  15. I was very impressed with Kanger's high standard of quality control - WOW .... I want an Air Shower and 60k automated coil making machine Hey Kanger, please feel free to send me any device that does not meet your high level of QC. Blemishes only please (scratches) - mech/elect faults would not be useful.
  16. hey jFog - thanks for the post. The study appears to be well thought out. - We know who did the story (JHB has creditably) but we need question who 'funded' the research. Now, lets do the same test with ash burning real cigarettes - did the mice even live to finish the test? Ok, I'll say it: you should never expose your body to any substance that is not in your bodies organic beneficial interest. Major arguments, yet to see discussed: 1. Some juices contain sugar. Sugars crystallize when heated..... correct? 2. Your inhaling vapors from a heated coil (heavy metals). Can't see that as a perfect thing. With that said ----- Vaping has proven to get long term smokers off cigarettes (never seen before conversion rates) and I have yet to see any data to outweigh that ongoing and demonstrated fact. 3 cheers for Vapers (winks at TAM)
  17. I hope you find this interesting and get a chuckle
  18. can you zip a case of those and email them to me?
  19. ha..... I had southern cooked catfish from a neighbor.
  20. hooker - you did it again - ya cheered me up I get to name it too? I guess, it better be a girl name - considering the fact that I'm always sticking it in my mouth and foundling it .... hummm - nah - "perky" ---------- is not going to work hmmm.......... and then when I finally get more batteries - I can refer to them as ---- "The Girls"
  21. thanks for the encouragement - 4,000 chemicals? ..... ouch
  22. having a discussion with myself in a forum ......is this worse than arguing with myself in public? [either way --- it is still more fun being an out patient]
  23. guess you could call it 'brain muscle memory'..... but that imply a working brain
  24. [snapshot] not smoked in my house for several years. have a chair on the front porch in a little sanctuary created to relax in. Heck, gorgeous geraniums in the depth of winter (these new silks are way kewl) and no.... Tam made me shoot the pink flamingo's .... 'still' prefer deep fried turkey over BBQ'ed Flamingo. (LOL - re:TX - shoot it and throw it on the BBQ) LOL, listen to me rattle - guess you can tell I'm excited. [back to story] anyway, as I have begun to vape - still been going outside for a cig. Duh.... big dummy me --- it's ok to vape outside. [lesson learned] not only are there addictive issues.... but my patterns/habits need to be revisited --- reprogrammed? what this called? .....close as I can get to defining these embedded patterns is muscle memory
  25. thanks Tam and as for the post I nominated the entire Vaping Community and have even emailed the nominations to the respective WHO offices already ... from manufactures, ejuice blenders, forums, YouTube and everyone one of you that help others get off cigarettes wondering if I used 'vapor' or 'vaper' damn I should of let Tam proof it for me
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