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Everything posted by duke9023

  1. I know this is a stupid question and prolly one I should already know by now but it has escaped my mind....I have two box mods...sig 150 watt and istick 100....what is the difference between button top batterys and flat top batteries and which would work best in a regulated mod like the ones i own...also if you guys have any good websites or battery brand suggestions i'm all ears...thanks
  2. I just got a Joytech evic-vt and it's the first mod or experience with temp control... anyone got any wisdom for me? do you need a hotter temp for higher VG or Higher PG? is there any guidelines on hot high to go with temperature or what everything is so new to me working with the wattage and temperature together and trying to find the right spot
  3. I just ordered a Sigelei 150 Watt and was wondering if any can point me in the right direction as far as batteries and charger? Where is the best place online to get good batteries and what kind do you recommend? Also if you could recommend a good battery charger...Thanks
  4. Does anyone know if there are any different coils that will work in the Freemax Starre, the coils are hard to find for it unless I order online and a vape shop told me the new Atlantis V2 coils would work just wanted to check with you guys and see if anyone knows?
  5. I apologize if it seems like I came off as rude or being a smartass....I have watched videos and have an understanding....i was posting on here to get more help....ya know doing my research and instead of getting help i got told to put my rda away
  6. And how do you suppose one goes about learning and understanding without actually having an RDA that they can play with and try to figure out how to use it? All the reading and watching YouTube tutorials in the world isn't going to help nobody until they actually have that first RDA in front of them and start putting it together ??
  7. I just bought my first RDA and am new to buidling...I got the HAZE RDA by Vapehead and for some reason the middle post in it where it has the two holes is rather loss is there a way to fix this? Also the ohms jump up and down each and every time I fire it sometimes it fires up at .8 then it goes up 1 ohm and then back down to .7 its all over the place am i not building the coils right?
  8. I just made a order, it gave an error message when I pressed place order button but if i go to my account settings on the VapoRider site and click my orders it says it's processing and the money has been taken off my card but the item i ordered is still in the shopping cart as if i never ordered....and looking them up on Facebook there are a bunch of people talking about this site is a RIPOFF...Just worried i might have gotten ripped off and won't get what i ordered
  9. Does anyone know anyway to MOD the RBA Deck for the Subtank Mini to get more juice flow to the coil? Seems like after two hits it starts turning dry and burnt....?
  10. Thanks yeah I'm really not trying to cloud chase and get what you are saying....I have noticed tho that the liquid doesn't wick up into the coil as fast with the RBA section in, would be nice if the juice ports on the RBA deck were bigger
  11. Thanks for all the help guys, one last question...What would be the highest VG ratio you could run in this subtank mini without running into dry hits or whatever? I was thinking about some 20 PG 80 VG but I don't want to get dry hits
  12. Thanks guys I'm gonna go with the Sigelei 100w plus
  13. I'm thinking about taking the plunge into my next upgrade for a box mod...I want something in the 80 watt and up range and was looking into the Sigelei 100 Watt Plus and the Sigelei 150 Watt any thoughts on these two? I've heard a lot about the 150 watt having problems with the firing button? Also my second question, the box mods I have now have built in batteries so I've never had a need to purchase batteries or battery chargers...What kind of batteries would you guys recommend to run something like the two box mods I mentioned? Is it wise to have a battery charger, what kind?
  14. I'm looking to order one of these on Wednesday and was wondering if anyone on here has one or is familiar with it? Any thoughts on what you think of it? Does it perform well? Is it worth the 50 bucks I will be paying for it? I know I've heard about the Temp Control not working but also do I really need temp control? Is there different settings on it to where I wouldn't have to use the temp control setting?
  15. I got my subtank mini yesterday and when it works it's great and I don't know if it's the box mod I have (Dovpo-DT-50) or it's the subtank itself....That box mod is the only battery I got that can fire it....but it will work good then all of a sudden I go to hit it I keep getting a reading on the screen that says output shortage....I unscrew tightin it back down fool around for a minute and it will work great again for awhile and then back to output shortage...what does that mean and does anyone have a fix?> could it be the box mod or the tank or what causes an output shortage anyways?
  16. I got the subtank mini in the mail today vaped on it with the .5 ohm coil a bit and it either puts out so much vapor or the nicotine level or PG/VG ratio I was using just had me all choked up almost as soon as I started hitting it I was coughing up a lung...is this something that takes a bit to get use to as far as subohm and coughing or what? I was using a 8mg Nicotine 50/50 blend ......I think it's also fair to say that I'm use to mouth to lung hitting on my iclear 30 and nautilus mini so does straight lung inhales take awhile to adapt to?
  17. I usually vape about a 60/40 or 50/50 PG/VG ratio on my iClear 30 and Nautilus Mini as I like the throat hit...Do you think I should switch to a blend of E-Juice with a little more VG in it now that I will be using the Subtank? I've heard some people say that with these subtanks and sub ohming that it makes the e juice a little more harsh or stronger throat hit....I also usually vape around a 12mg to 15mg nicotine also heard when you sub ohm you should go with lower mg of nicotine....
  18. I ordered the Subtank Mini the other day for $30 bucks from Vaporider.net ...... Thinking about picking up the Arctic in the near future...Subtank Mini is gonna be the first time I ever sub ohm so i'm still a newbie to going low on ohms....
  19. I'm debating between these two Subtanks and was wondering if anyone who may have expierence with either of the two could share there thoughts...This will be my first Subtank so which would be best for FLAVOR and Clounds...More interested in Flavor than Clouds.....And will be running it on a 50 Watt Box Mod
  20. Thanks Tam...You rock
  21. Anybody know a reliable place to get one of those swivel drips like is on the iClear 30 that will fit the nautilus mini? What kinda drips tips fit the nautilus mini?
  22. Yeah I have been vaping on the smallest air hole might move it to the second smallest, also i know it's subjective but what would you say the vaping range is for the nautilus like i have been vaping it at about 11.5 to 12.5 but i don't wanna go so high that it will end up burning the coils out quickly, what do you vape yours at?
  23. I picked up the Nautilus Mini about a week ago vaping it on my MVP 20 watt and must say the flavor and everything is good but it seems to be getting a lot of juice all the way up to the drip tip, like if i take a Q-tip and stick it down the drip tip it soaks up a bit of juice, is there something i'm doing wrong or some way to fix this or is this just how the nautilus mini does
  24. I have been pretty much keeping my bottles in like a drawer in my bedroom, I don't ever really take my juices outside there always in the house in my room and I would say they are kept at room temp...I just didn't know if like they go bad quickly like after a month or two but if their like you say good for 1 year i'm pretty sure I should be good, I gotta lot of e juice but not a years worth lol
  25. I recently came into a bunch of different E-Juice and don't see it all getting vaped anytime soon so I was wondering what do you think the best way to prolong the life of E-Juice or whatever and about how long if ever is it inevitable that E-Juice will go bad?
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