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Everything posted by edgy77

  1. Personally, I vape around .25-3 ohms on my sigelei 150 at 100 watts which is 4.7 volts roughly depending on where I build ur and I get great flavour and vape. I don't like pg, ruins the flavour for me. I don't like throat hits
  2. I used boss reserve alot, one of favorites. Ive used it in my atlantis, kanger subtank mini both of those at 25 watts and my joytech delta subohm tank at 35-40 watts and my rba anywhere from 25-40. Ive never had a dry hit.off boss reserve. I think itd actually an 80/20 vg/pg mix. Honeslty might just not be a good juice for the tank. Try to.not.chain vape it as much, or open.up your airflow more if it isnt opened all the way. With my kanger subtank, chain vaping.it at a smaller air flow setting burnt it because it wasnt cooling the coil well enough.
  3. Probably been asked before but im looking for a good clone, 18650 mod around 50-75$ or cheaper. Any ideas? Ive only used regulated mods but im quite familiar with rdas, cause I use them.on my ipv2s. I wanna get the mech mod so I have that for my rdas and keep my.ipv for my tanks and rbas
  4. I have a little boy too. I use it.on my ipv2s. Looking for a mech mod. But, I change flavors when it almost gets dry lol. I dont try burn it. Just hit.it till its almost dry. Drip new flavor on it and go. The first few hits might be weird but thats what I do in my kanger subtank too.
  5. I never had a problem with my subtank. I like it more.then my atlantis. I got the mini. Only.problem I had is the pin on the rba deck is loose out of the box, so it fell apart and I lost a piece. Besides that its awesome
  6. How does it wick "too good"?
  7. I am running the 1.2 ohm coil right now cause I didnt prime my .5 ohm coil correctly so it burned out prematurely. Id get one good hit then burn, and any long drag burn. I like the .5 ohm coil better. Ive had an atlantis tank too but the glass shattered and was under all the teeth at the top of the tank that hold the glass in so I had to trash it. But I love this tank! Even though I destroyed the rba base lol
  8. Yea, tried to assemble it with the pieces I had and it wont go. Its my fault it fell apart. Just emailed kanger to see about getting a new one
  9. I have to be missing somethibg cause that pin, wont even thread.
  10. Ok thanks!
  11. Thats what im guessing cause the bottom pin wont screw in. Hoping I can find another rba deck lol
  12. Yea I could post a pic when I get home. Im missing something from the center post that screws into the base, and since thats missing all the terminals came off. I had trouble getting the sleeve off... one I got that apart I guess I was holding onto that pin and it loosened and it all fell apart lol
  13. Yea I looked on their website and I couldn't find anything. The flavour out of the throw away coil is awesome anyway. But so was rhe flavour out of that. Kinda mad it just fell apart lol
  14. Idk how it happened but the rba deck for my subtank literally fell apart into pieces and im missing pieces to put it together. Ive look online and cant find any replacements parts. Can someone point me in the right direction of obtaining a new rba deck without buying a new tank?
  15. I have the kanger subtank mini. I run it on the ipv2s at 20 watts and love it. Ive noticed for some reason with the mini I get a burnt hit at 25 watts. So I keep it toned down. I use my subtank most of the time and my little boy rda other times. I use an ipv2s for both of then. Stock 60watts and can be upgraded to 75watts for free.
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