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Everything posted by DirtyBoot

  1. Wow you guys must want LOTS of airflow! I run my MELO at 3-of-5 holes open, and it is great for all day use. If I am vaping up a storm I can open the other two holes and it feels preety unrestricted to me. Since I am a n00b, what is the benefit that made you want even more airflow?
  2. I really like my iStick 30W units, and find that they are consistent nearly all the way to dead. Perhaps they drop off just a tiny bit right before the "low battery" indicator kicks in, but they will let my get through a whole day of vaping sub-ohm on my MELO tank before I need to swap for a new battery. I have hit the Subtank belonging to a friend a number of times, and it is a really nice and smooth hit. I don't have one, but might get one at some point. I am still really happy with the MELO tank hits, so I don't feel any pressure to go searching for a replacement at this point. Best thing is that I have been getting 2+ weeks from a coil so far, which is great compared to the mini Protank I was using before (which burned through coils like every other day).
  3. Welcome!
  4. Lee, it sounds like you are making great progress! Hang in there, and I am sure you will both start to get more used to the vapor and also find combinations that work well for you. I am pretty new to going 100% vape and tossing the cigarettes, so I don't have a ton of good suggestions. I do know that after somewhere in the range of 2 weeks, I started feeling that the vapor was not as harsh as it was at first. I was using a ego twist style battery with a mini protank3, and had better success with the iStick 30W and the same tank. Now, I have the Melo tank on the iStick and find it way less harsh and more flavorful than with the protank. I think everyone is a little different. Everyone told me I had to drop down from my 12mg 50/50 to more like 6mg or maybe even 3mg when I switched to sub-ohm Melo tank, but I have not found that to be a problem at all. Best of luck to you!!
  5. I have a healthy reluctance to building coils for the safety reason, but I do see the numb-nuts at the local shop doing it and acting like a pro. So, I know that I will be trying it at some point because it clearly (you'd know if you saw him) does not require any advanced degree program.
  6. fishguy, I can really appreciate the interview process, particularly when trying to baseline someone's knowledge in order to provide them with the best answer. The helpfulness around this forum is why I joined here and stopped checking out a few others that will remain nameless. I was just meaning to comment on the overall "feeling" I got from reading this thread that there is a general fear. To that end, I only meant to voice that good products with established name and user base need have less fear than the "unknown". Admittedly, I am a n00b in this big vape world (and on this particular site). I have, however, spent countless hours watching product review videos and reading forums. I felt that getting as educated as possible on the subject was the best possible option before choosing to drop the cigarettes and go for an alternative solution. I guess I perhaps assume that most others do the same, and that is quite possibly a poor assumption.
  7. I obviously agree with caution of unknown or little-known products. Hard to argue with common sense, Tam! Before you buy, research, research, research!! Along the same lines, I would have equal caution of unknown mech or vv/vw mods. You never know what might end up having erratic discharge properties or something.
  8. I am honestly pretty amazed at the nature of this thread. If people purchase crap hardware that doesn't stop charging when optimal voltage is reached (and preferably also switch to a maintenance trickle), that is the fault of the hardware more than it is any danger factor of batteries. Same goes for crap batteries. Of the billions (drastic understatement) of mobile devices containing litihum ion that have been sold, what percentage have detonated? Wouldn't it be a more pertinent point to stress the importance of using high-quality charging device and reputable battery manufacturer? I am likely to get bashed for my perspective, but it is my opinion and I stand by it...No offense meant to anyone with alternate points of view.
  9. CBT...Is that not globally used as acronym for computer-based training? At least in my IT world it is...
  10. My strawberry cheesecake juice has more cheesecake and graham cracker flavor to me, and needs a little more hint of strawberry. I occasionally add a little strawberry milk juice to it to make the balance just right.
  11. I have heard a few people say about iStick seeming cheaply made. What exactly seems cheap? I don't have a host of experience with different devices, but my iSticks seem as well built as my cell phones and tablets. Good size, button positioning, clear display, and good quality painted and chromed finishes. What are the "cheap" aspects?
  12. Had a terrible dry hit today. Was outside in -2 ambient (-15 wind chill) and juice turned like molasses and couldn't soak into wicking material. Who knew there were critical flaws in this plan....
  13. Ouch, that didn't taste good!
  14. As a side note on the iStick 30W, I just got a second one today. The first has the button rattle right out of the box that the 20W has. The new one has no rattle whatsoever. I guess this new one could be a fluke, but it could be that there have been improvements in the 30W since its release...Sort of like a 30Wgen1 vs 30Wgen2, though it is of course just speculation on my part at this time.
  15. If something was sitting since 2/4 in China postal, it might be worth checking on it today. My order also listed 2/4 and then sat with no update for a long time, but I just saw this afternoon that it now is in New York as of yesterday.
  16. Might as well back it with a Violin...Nothin says lovin like solid state storage!
  17. These are all little white o-rings. Weird that you had the mix all in the same pack. Those KangerTech employees must be hitting the wacky weed
  18. Grabbed 5 more kanger coils this morning. Nothing fancy. Edit: Oh, one thing different I noticed. The coils are now having wick material inside the holes only. All up to this point had the fuzz sticking out of each of the four holes.
  19. I was thinking about the lawsuit thing the other day. I was wondering if there is such a thing as lawsuits for product design in China at all, since there is such a prominent business in that country specifically focused on cloning other companies' products. I would guess that it is encouraged.
  20. I just tried to add one...Had to manipulate the content a little to get it wo show in preview, so I am not sure if it will update. We shall see.
  21. Received my juice order from QuitThatGrit.com, and already impressed. The juice is made fresh when ordered, so I need to let it steep for a week or two to let the flavors really come out. But, a quick sample of each shows the flavors are already exactly as described. Serial Kraving (fruit loops in milk) Strawberry Cheesecake Shake (strawberries, cheesecake, hint of graham cracker) Vanilla Iced Cupcake Strawberry Milk This juice is very affordable and better tasting than most I have tried, so it may very well be my go-to brand from now on.
  22. Thanks, lilaloca1890! Welcome to you, too! I am looking at your avatar and wondering what sort of eye makeup that is...quite unusual!
  23. WillBlack, I agree. I have seen multiple reviews showing the same. The only inconsistency that remains to me is that some say Atlantis coils is better, and some say that they prefer MELO coil.
  24. It is really interesting to read everyone's input on this. So detailed! I realized after reading three pages of posts that I have never paid attention and have no idea what method I use.
  25. Just thought I would bump this thread...In case anyone is interested, it looks like the Eleaf MELO is starting to show up a few places as "in stock". Just found it on vapenw for $20: http://vapenw.com/atomizer/glassomizer/melo-atomizer-kit-by-eleaf
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